Thursday, March 27, 2008

The story.... anyone got an idea for a name?

So here is the begining of a story that I'm currently working on writing... I may finish, I may not, but here is what I have so far and you can all comment and give ideas for it or whatever!

It was the time we'd all been waiting for, the whole trip had been so exciting... I couldn't believe that it was already nearing it's end. Well, at least that's what I and everyone else thought, but I'll get back to you on that.

Hm, you know, the thought just occured to me that you don't know who I am and what the heck this trip is that I suddenly started speaking of. Ok, well, let me clear things up a bit. The name's Ashly Piper, and the trip of which I'm speaking was my youth group's week-long "Beat The Heat & Share The Light" ministry trip to- get this - New York!
Why the leaders chose there of all places, I'm not sure, but I was glad because I'd always wanted to go. It had really been an incredible trip too... Going to the Statue of Liberty, seeing the tourist-traps (or at least that's what I call 'em. Ya know, all those places they make pretty much just so that tourists can blow their cash?), putting on skits and sharing the Word with people. We even got to stay at a 4 star hotel, and it was real nice!

As we drove back to the airport, I looked out the window and thought of the wondeful time we'd all had. It was sad to see that it would be ending within a couple hours. I turned around in my seat to look out the back window of the van I was in and saw the 10 identical vehickles behind us. Yep, that would be the rest of the youth group. Or, youth groups would be more like it. We'd actually teamed up with 4 other local youth groups (local as in they were all in the Tri Cities area) and come here together. Boy, was that quite a crowd! There were 100 of us all together. Good thing those pasenger jets that fly out of NYC are large. Though even with that fact going for us we still weren't able to all be on the same plane... I mean, we could have fit on one jet easy, but other passengers had already booked their seats before us, so we had to split our group in half. I suppose 50 annoying teenagers on one jet is better for the other flyers than 100 of us anyway.

About a half hour later we were all in the NYC airport - man was that place ginormous or what!? Haha, man, I soooo love using that word. Mom was totally sure that it wasn't one and thought it was dumb of me to use it - until I read in a magazine that it was one of this year's new aditions to the dicitonary. Uh, anyway, got a little off track there. Now where was I...? Oh yeah! The NYC airport. It was insane how many people there were dashing here and there trying to catch their flights or meet relatives, or whaever else you can find to do at a major airport.
"Flight 102 to Florida, now boarding!" I heard announced over a loudspeaker. Ah, if only I could hop on that jet and make a sidestop to visit my friend Trina down there... I thought to myself.
"Yo, check that hairdo out!" Giggled Carlie beside me as I and some of my other buddies directed our eyesight twards a 20-something-looking gal with rainbow dyed hair. Oh the people you see in the big city. "The hairdo? Check out the chick." came a voice from behind me. "Oh brother, Aiden." I replied, turning around to roll my eyes at him. "What? Ya gotta admit she's cute."

"Sheesh. Leave it to a guy. Incase you didn't notice us girls see the world a little differently than your species."

"Oh, c'mon."

"What ever!"

I turned back laughing and rolling my eyes. It was another typical joking argument between Aiden Baley and I.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It Takes Brains To Live This Life

I always have this problem when I try to take the short way from my chair at the kitchen table to the fridge- I have to squeeze between my dad's chair and the rocking chair that is behind it and I nearly always end up stubbing my toe.

Well this morning I decided to be smart and take the long way around so that I wouldn't stub my toe again. My brother asked why I was taking the more round-about direction and I explained to him that I would avoid pain this way. Seconds after I said that I pinched my thumb on the refrigerator and then shortly after that I tripped and fell up the stairs.

Yeah, go figure. lol. Just when I think I'm gonna be smart for once, something else comes up and I make a fool of myself in an unexpected way.

Welcome to my world!

Monday, March 17, 2008

YES, I'm wearing green today...

Those of you who think you can pinch me 'cause I'm not wearing're WONG!! In fact I've even gotten green letters here... My brother on the other hand };-) Really, does it count to have a single green stripe on the bottom of your sock where no one really sees it? I duno. I decided to be merciful to him for today though.
Various events of yesterday put me in an incredibly good mood and I think it's carried over into today, wich I suppose is a good thing :-)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stupid In School: The Skit!

Sorry this has taken so long... had some technical dificulties on my end here with youtube :-P

Enjoy the skit & pics!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Me On a Magazine!

Here, check this out! :-) Click image to enlarge.
And btw, you can learn more on the Iron Chickens at

Monday, March 3, 2008

For those of you who didn't already know...

... If you've not already seen it on the Corn Field, I redid the layout on my art site, so you're welcome to come take a look if you so wish.

I hope to have another new post besides this up soon here... Perhaps before the day is over, but I duno. We'll have to see, I guess!