Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What a Mess.

My oh my! I suppose a post is slightly overdue here, isn't it?

Hello again, to whomever reads these random writings.

So, to kick things off, I've had a rather interesting start to my morning within the first half hour of being out of bed. Like two minutes after I gathered the alertness and strength to drag myself out of a nice comfy bed, my brother is knocking on my door asking me how to make a green tea latte`. Since he can't remember instructions worth beans half the time, I end up writing out a recipee. I thought after that I'd just start up my laptop and get started with school.... Nooooo. Of course not, lol. Because just as soon as I hit the start up button on my compy, I over hear Nathaniel down stairs shouting for mom, who at the time was in the bathroom (Her "Oval office" as she likes to jokingly call it). Most times I would overlook such shoutings cause it's usually him asking where something is... Fortunately for everybody I hadn't yet plugged myself into my mp3 player, so I actually heard what he was shouting about. "I TRIED TO GET THE MILK OUT OF THE PLASTIC AND NOW IT'S LEAKING!!!" ... Yes, another disaster thanks to Costco's new milk packaging system. Though usually the mess is made because pouring from them causes drips everywhere. Not this time. Ya know how they come wrapped together in plastic? He was trying to cut them apart to get a new jug, and somehow in that the scissors went off at the wrong angle and sliced through the bottom of the milk jug, causing a very steady leak. After getting the milk out of the plastic and seeing how bad the leak was, I knew I had to do something fast, so I grabbed the next most logical container- the old milk jug that was under the sink. Hey, I figured if we were just now getting a new jug, it couldn't have sat under there by the trash for TOO long. And I was desperate. In the end we only lost about an 8th of the milk.... But be warned: If you ever have a puncture in the bottom of an unopened milk jug, when you go to take the seal off the top to pour it into something else, the leak on the bottom will suddenly spurt 10 times worse when the pressure is released.

In other news, I got all 26 of my entries back from the Asotin County fair, with two white ribbons and the rest reds & blues (mostly blues :-) ). I should have over $64 headed my way in the nearish future. Also, I landed a short-term job working as a photographer's assistant! It only pays $5 an hour and is going to be rather off 'n on, and it won't last past summertime cause she's moving, but hey, it'll be good experience anyways. I read this is how most professional photographers start out their early careers. So I'm rather excited. I start tonight.

Oh, and on a last randoms side note before I go to do what I SHOULD be doing (a Science quiz....), I got an email on Sunday from Pastor Harris-- I'm the first person to have sent in their camp sign-up form this year :-) Obviously, you can tell who is excited for August :-)

And with that update there, I bid you adieu, for I must get on with school...oh goodie. =P


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Traveling Toils

Well, I recently got back from a road trip. It's funny, when you drive a long ways to visit relatives, after the initial hugs and/or kisses and being welcomed inside, so often the next thing to be said is "Would you like to have a seat?" ..... Uh huh. Yeah. Cause it just feels soooo good to sit down after sitting down for the past two hours, right? Although I find the whole scenario of arriving at somebody's house after a road trip a little odd, just because it's hard to know exactly what to do. My first thought after getting out of the car is "Ahhh, it feels so good to stand up again!" Then moments later, I go inside and the first thing I do is sit down. For like two minutes. Then stand up again, upon realizing the fact of "Oh, I was just sitting for the past two hours. Why the heck am I sitting AGAIN, when I have the option to stand?" So I stand. Then think, "Well, this seems a little weird. Everybody else is sitting." And go back and forth in my head wondering if I would rather sit or stand... until the thought pops into my head that it certainly would feel nice to just walk. I guess that's where the dog has it sort of nice- everybody thinks it's adorable when she runs like crazy all over the room after being let out of her travel crate. Alas, I have the feeling people wouldn't quite think the same of me if I were to try that approach of stretching my legs after a long car ride. Especially if while doing so I threw in the other habit of my pug-dog... Now I don't know about yours, but I'm very certain that my friends and relatives wouldn't just pat me on the head and say how cute I am if I ran up snorting and hyperventilating and sneezed on their shoes. What do you think?

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Most Epic Summer Break

Sorry I had to make the text small down there...if I didn't, the format would look all wrong and that just bothered me =P
Anywho, enjoy my random little poetic story! :-)

It was a rather dark and dreary morning in June
We sat staring at the wall wondering what to do.
The games we'd already played, the movies sounded dull,
But you just can't spend a day together doing nothing at all.
Dark clouds loomed outside the window threat'ning to rain;
We had to find something to do, or else go insane.
So we ventured to the basement and you turned on the light
Then made our way into the garrage and there we found quite a sight.
Between the gizmos and boxes, there was much to behold-
But best of all two bicycles, one red and one gold.
We opened the garage door just as it started to pour;
Sure it was quite wet outside, but inside was such a bore.
So we hopped onto the bikes, rode through the puddles downtown,
Then we stopped in at the laundromat and watched the clothes spin 'round.
We didn't stay there too long, there was adventure to be had,
Not to mention you felt nauseous from watching spinning clothes of plaid.
We continued to the bakery, where you got some doughnuts for yourself & me.
As we biked on and enjoyed our yummy snack,
It was hard for us to imagine we'd ever want to go back-
Back to the house, into the walls, that confine us on most days,
Back to normal teenage lives and busy school craze.
As us and our bikes neared the airport you got this crazy scheme,
That we would hide among some luggage and catch a flight for free.
We found a giant suitcase, tagged to be sent to New York,
You and I stowed away inside, and you sat upon a fork.
It somehow made it through security, we had our flight, and with no fee!
Ten hours later, after being stuck inside,
The luggage door was opened and we could finally see the light.
A great new world stretched before our faces-
Lady Liberty, sky scrapers, taxis and police chases.
Such a huge unknown place to be, so many sights to take;
You and I vowed to see it all, before the end of summer break.
With Skittles and cans of soda too, we've not a moment left to loose-
Let's grab a map and hit the city, just pick a spot and choose.
Cause it's the most epic ever summer break, a trip we never dreamed we'd take,
And we're praying we're not dreaming, but if we are, don't let us wake.