Wednesday, July 25, 2007

At Work With No Work

I look around at the papers scattered around the desk...Odd, nothing to enter in the computer today. For the first time since June, there is no work to be done at the summer reading table. Typically there were long lists of books that we were to enter into kid's summer reading program accounts. I look over at my friend and volunteer partner, Danielle. She's looking up the last names of random people in her computer. That was something her and I always did when there was a break in work. Strange I know, but it could be rather fun. Especially if you found some one with a really weird last name...Or one that has nearly no vowels in it.
After growing tired of searching the name data base, we just sat there and talked. After what we both thought seemed like quite a while, we looked up at the clock. 2:40 PM. We hadn't even been there a whole hour yet. Over the next hour people came and went, and one actually did provide some work for us to do. Unfortunately, we couldn't log into her account to add in the books that she had read. Later some friends whom I've only met twice came to the desk. Loraine and Talitha. Although I don't really know them very well, I like them a lot. Up until this day, I haven't seen Loraine when she wasn't sopping wet at the water park. So that was different.

You know how weird it is when you see some one out of the place you normally see them in? It's just strange, like seeing the president at the bowling alley or something. That's how it was seeing Loraine outside of the water park.

I talked to them for a few minutes... They wanted to know if I could look up people's phone numbers on there computer there. Apparently there was some cute guy that they know whom they wanted to call up. Sadly for them, I could only get info on people who were in the Asotin Library's reading program. They guy they wanted to know the number of lived in Kamiah.

When it was 4:00, Danielle and I's shift at the reading table was over. So she left and I was there for another hour until my dad came to pick me up. So in that spare time I usually alphabetize my portion of the kid's section (there's another set of volunteers that organizes the kid's section). It turned out that Jeanette (one of those volunteers) had already done my section for me. That was nice of her :) So since that wasn't needing to be done I went a head and worked on laminating flannel-board characters that Mary (children's librarian & my boss) is going to use with story times. That went well and I even got to take a short break to stuff my face with some of Mary's home made blue-berry coffee cake--Yummmm!

All being said and done, it was a great day at my volunteer job- even if there was barely any work!


Sarah said...

testing my new profile pic to see how it looks.... :-P don't mind me...

Sarah said...

dang. I forgot to save changes.... no wonder it didn't show at first. lol