Friday, September 7, 2007

They're Always Watching...

Their eyes are everywhere. No matter where you go, they seem to follow, darting in and out of bushes. Just when you think you're alone, you hear a twig snap and there they are agin.
You look out accross the path to see the bodies that go with these eyes...Then you see, the deer fawns want to play.
You grab a bottle and give the little creatures a snack, and if you find the right one he will rub against you and lick until your hands are covered in fawn drool.
When they've gotten their fill they'll run back off into the trees, watching who ever happens to go by.
As you're heading off down a trail, you suddenly hear rustling in the bushes and look up just in time to see a brown blur. You go and investigate what this was and find at the end of the trail a mule deer doe, one of the fawns of last summer. "Terra! It's Terra!" exclaims a voice beside you. Ah, yes, Laurel...knows them all by name. You walk up and pet the soft fur on Terra's head and then turn off down the trail. After a couple minutes you hear running behind you and turn to see the doe speeding up the trail after you. If she could speak human, you just know she'd be shouting "Hey, wait for me!!!".

Sounds like a fairy tale, no? 'Tis true I'm telling you. For if you go to a certain house in Waha at this certain time of the year, you would know that it is.
Do a bit of work, a bit of play, have fun as the deer follow you all over that day....


Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Wish I had a pet fawn! They are soooo cute!

Sarah said...

They are! I sure wish that they could stay small like that forever.

This guy named Tim runs the wildlife reffuge/animal rehab place up there. He gets deer, birds of prey, raccoons, foxes. All sorts of stuff. Oh, and bobcats and cougars too. It's really cool to get to volunteer there with Laurel. She goes up every week and every once in a while she'll take me along too and then we'll both volunteer up there.