Saturday, November 10, 2007

Christmas Crashing In

I'm tired...I stayed up past 11 two nights in a row and then I spent all afternoon shopping with my mom. That was fun. I honestly don't know why I went because I knew that I didn't want to spend any money because I'm saving for a new video camera. Oh well, it gave me something to do all afternoon anyway.My mom was doing some Christmas shopping...our first stop was Halmark. Man, take one step into that store and [!!BAM!!!] You're suddenly smacked in the face with holiday spirit! LOL. I love Christmastime though. I can't wait until people in Lewiston start decorating their houses with lights-- For those of you who have ever seen the veiw out my bedroom window, you'd know why. I have a great veiw of the ritzy district of Lewiston and it's absolutelly BEAUTIFUL in the holiday season because a lot of people there go all out with their lights. Another thing I love to do that happens near this time of year is getting up at like 5:30 in the morning and going downstairs and just turning on the lights on our Christmas tree and drinking a cup of cocoa. That won't happen for a few more weeks though. We put up our tree a day or two after Thanksgiving and leave it up until New Year's Day. I'm always so sad to take the tree down, but hey, if it was left up all year it wouldn't be as special, now would it?


lindy said...

*gigglees* That was so cool the way you colored the word "beautiful". :-)

You're so lucky!! We put our tree up one week before christmas and take it down a day or two after. But it really is special. Actually what I have insisted on this year is... well I have to tell the story first!
When we lived in Florida we didn't ever get a tree because we didn't have room, and it seemed, I don't know, weird to get a tree in Florida. There was another logical reason why, but i can't remember.
So what my mom did instead was she got these white chains from the hardware store and hung them across the windows for our orniments!! They are so cool because the light shines through the clears glass and shimmers on the living room floor. It's so pretty!
So I told my mom this year I don't want a tree, I want to put up our chains. :-)

My mom is so awesome.

Sarah said...

Wow, I've never heard of anyone doing that! It sounds cool. Maybe that would be something good for us to do with all our extra orniments...We've collected so many over the years that there are too many to use--even for our 7 foot tall artificial Christmas tree! I remember a loooong time ago we used to have this smaller tree which was around 5 feet tall and my brother and I would pile on so many orniments that the thing would look like the leaning tower of Piza! LOL. Then we got a bigger tree to host the large amount of orniments and now we have too many even for that! Haha.

lindy said...

That's so cool! Orniments or so cool, aren't they?! You should suggest that to your folks cause it's really cool. And by the sound of the amount of your orniments you could use them!

Sarah said...

They're so fun!! I love looking at all the different orniments at Halmark...there are so many! They even have ones that are minature toys that you can actually play with. It's all so cool.

quenta tindomerel said...

*sigh* Christmas is sooo beautiful. this year I'm living christmas from September to January because my choir starts christmas rehearsals in September. so I've had extra time to sing christmas carols and have fun. christmas is coming and I feel excited. things to do, presents to make, people to see and hug, cookies to bake. it's a happy time of year.

lindy said...

Anna that was wonderful!!! Yes, I need to get on my presents as well... many to make! And you are ALL getting one!!! :-)

*makes list* Beth, MJ, Em, Anna, Ka, er, Verya, Sarah, Katie, Bethany....

Any one else? I'm not sure Sam would wear a bead necklace... hehehe

Captiunculam confringere said...

Well, this is my brother were talking about... And christmas is always so... so... Christmas. All the little traditions, food memorys, food,presents, freinds, food,...

But then theres putting up lights in 40 degree weather, and the power going out, and scorching your tounge on some hot chocolate, and forgetting about that one sibling...

Captiunculam confringere said...

But thats Christmas. And it would'nt be Christmas without it.

Sarah said...

Lol. Sounds interesting...
Forgetting that one sibling--sounds like the "Home Alone" movies!
Ah yeah, scorching your tongue on hot chocolate...been there, done that. Ouch.
And then at my place there's always the deal with watching our dog, Daisy open her preasent. That's entertaining! Haha. Then she always goes sticking her head into everyone else's gift bags thinking that they might be for here as well :-P
Ohhhhh yeah, Christmas memories :-)

lindy said...

Cute!!! My dogs lie christmas too. :-)

Sarah said...

Hehe, I remember this one year Daisy found her Christmas preasent sitting on top of my parent's bed and she juped up and started playing with it! She seemed pretty ticked at us for taking it away and placing it on top of a high shelf until Christmas time. lol.

Hmmm...I really need to make another post some time soon here...