Monday, December 17, 2007

I Shall Always Remember The Day Before The Day Before Yesterday

This week's been great. This whole YEAR has been great! I've never made so many awesome memories in one year before and this week I've gotten two more to add to the collection.I'll start with Tuesday, since it came first.......

Now, if you've ever been to the valley here around Chirstmas time, you'll probibly hear about Locomotive Park (if from no one else, you'll at least be told of it from me!). It's THE most awesome place in town to go if you're looking for some holiday fun. Each year the deck the whole place out completely. It's wonderful...the only way it could be better is when it's filled with snow...and your friends! Just how it was that night...Absolutelly PERFECT! The ground was sparkling, the lights were shining rainbow, Christmas music was blasting everywhere you went, and you had to watch your back because you never know when an icy cold snowball would hit you.

I went up with Carolyn, to meet up with the rest of my buds from the GRC crew... Rachel, Libby, Nathanael, Mr. & Mrs. Hoffmann....oh, and Nathanael and I's friend Jacob (he's not from GRC). We had a big snowball fight, danced and slid all over the icy dance mat that lights up spots on one of the trees depending on where you step...How fun is that!? It's the place where everyone no matter how old they are can just be crazy and act like a kid. It couldn't have been more wonderful. I even got a great photo to go with it! Originally it was just going to be with Nathanael and I by this one tree, but then right before Mrs. Hoffmann got the shot, Jacob suddenly jumped into the picture beside me! That was...unexpected! LOL. But I figured hey, I don't know him that well, but if he wants to be in the picture, I'll let him. It turned out quite well, really :-) that was one of the BEST times of my LIFE! I rode up to Spokane with my youth group. Me & the guys went to the Punk The Halls Christian rock concert. The rest of the girls went to the mall... I'm glad I chose the concert, honestly! At first it was hard to choose 'cause I've heard Spokane has a really great mall, but I decided hey, I'd have other chances to go to the mall I'm sure, and how many chances would I get to see one of my favorite bands live in concert? Probibly not many! That was probibly the best decission ever. If I hadn't gone, I think I would've been so mad at myself. It was AWESOME. Crazy lighting effects, music that I love, and 4 awesome friends at my side... could things get much better!?

The concert was hosted by this rapper guy who went by the name ManAfest, and also included several bands of which I'd never heard of before... Eleventyseven, Our Heart's Hero, and...I'm thinking there may have been one more but I can't think of what it was called. And of course, the main band that we had all come to see... Stellar Kart!

Yeah, and all of you reading this are probibly sitting there thinking "Our Heart's Hero? Stellar Kart? ManAfest? Eleventyseven? Who comes up with all these weird names anyway?!" I have one answer for you: I haven't the faintest idea. All that I know is that they have some pretty cool music. Stellar Kart is the best though. Nathanael and I agree that they're definitely the favorite band of us both. They're one of the few bands that I've run accross that have never ever put out a song that I dislike.

Of course, since they were the main band who'd be playing, they saved them for the last half of the concert after the intermission. So during the little 10 minute break time, the guys (being my friends Tim, Luke, Nathanael, and Jacob) and I stepped out for some water and agreed together that we would be CRAZY during all the Stellar Kart songs. So when we got back in we movied up near the stage where all the wild fans went. We went very crazy and had the time of our lives ;-) I even got some pretty good photos. I feel bad for whoever it was that was standing behind me though... I lost count of the many many times that I stepped on his foot!

It was kinda funny... When Adam, the lead singer of Stellar Kart, got up on stage we realized that he'd been standing like 5 feet behind us for the first half of the concert, helping to run the soundboard! I couldn't believe it! If I'd recognized him, I'd have gotten an autograph. Right after the concert we all ran over to the souvaneer stand and took advantage of the 2 for 10$ pre-order deal on SK's new CD that's coming out this February. Nathanael and I went 50/50 so we each only had to pay 5$. I can't wait 'till we get 'em in the mail!! I couldn't think of a better souvaneer, even if I won't be getting it for a few months.

I thought my friend Hannah was pretty funny... beforehand she kept feeling sorry for me being the only girl in the group who was headed for the concert. Then on our way back from the concert (we were in separate cars) she called me up on the cell phone saying "Sarah! I feel so bad for you! Being the only girl and all. I'm sorry!!" and I was sitting there laughing going "Ohhhh, don't feel bad for me! It was AWESOME!" And honestly, had I the chance, I wouldn't have chosen anyone different to go with.

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