Friday, January 4, 2008

It's 2008 already!?

I keep telling myself that I should really make a blog post soon....and I get distracted and never do!
Well, here I am, FINALLY writing my new post! Yes, I didn't do the Christmas one... nor did I make a New Year's post as I had hoped either. Time just really gets away from me some times.
The whole year 2007 was like that for me. There were so many things that I kept meaning to do that I put off.... and then suddenly *WHAM!* 2008 hits me in the face and leaves me wondering "Where in the world did this past year go!?"... Then this thought comes to me and it says this past year went into the past. DUH! Where else could it go?

It's crazy how fast time can go. I was told by some one that my high school years would be the fastest ever, and so far I agree that they are completely right. As the saying goes, "so much to do, so little time!" How true that is!

You know what the craziest thing of all is? I'm turning 15 tomorrow. 15! Man. I can hardly believe it. My 14th birthday doesn't seem like that long ago...nor does my 13th. Oh, or that awesome slumber party that I had on my 12th....ah, that was great. And I keep sitting here thinking about the fact that I'll be 16 one year from tomorrow. Amazing.

Did you ever think about the fact that we are always waiting for something? There always seems to be something where some one says "Oh I can't wait for ____!" Even as I'm writing this I'm thinking how I can hardly wait to eat that cake that I just took out of the oven. Some how we always seem think of something about the present that we're not quite satisfied with. There's something that we wish would happen that seems to take forever, or something that we wish wouldn't happen that comes at us at a seemingly fierce rate. But once we're in heaven... we'll live forever. Time won't matter anymore because life is eternal and since everything will be perfect we will never sit and think "Oh I wish tomorrow would hurry up and get here!" How cool is that!?


MJ said...

That is cool. Good thought. I had never really reasoned it out that way...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

15 really is a pretty big step up, somehow it seems a lot older that 14, at least, to me it did! However, sometimes I still think of myself as 13, and I'm like, "No wait- I'm 15- thats quite aways away form 13!"

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sarah!!!!!!!
How does it. . . feel to be 15?

Sarah said...

Oooh, that's for the birthday wishes!
Yeah, I'd say I think of it quite like you, Beth. It does seem a lot older than 14!'s it feel to be 15... wild! lol. It's just so weird to think that my life as a teenager is half over...scary! I can't believe that I'm old enough to drive and get a job next
13 and 14 didn't seem that old but man, 15 -- that's nuts!! LOL. I can't believe I'm 15 already.

quenta tindomerel said...

happy birthday! (rather belated, sorry).
fifteen wasn't really the scary one for me, but I think sixteen's gonna kill me. (literally.........)
but I never think of myself of being fifteen. I'm an ageless elf, you know?

Sarah said...

Haha, I like that deal about being an ageless elf... I think that my mom would love to go by that! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think most moms would be happy to pull off the ageless thing.

Sarah said...

Probably. Grandparents too!