Friday, February 22, 2008

...As the lights dim

As the lights dim in the autotorium, I know it's nearly my turn to take the stage. Excited, yet slightly nervous to be singing for a large crowd again, I slowly walk up the stairs to the stage as Carolyn, our MC of the event tells my name, age, and a few facts about me to the audience.
After much encourragement from friends, and prayer for my nerves to calm, this's finally the moment. I don't kno why I keep singing in Presentation Night (wich is our homeschool group's talent show), but I do. I guess it's because of that wonderful feeling I get when it's all over.... or maybe I just like hearing myself in a microphone. Haha, I duno.
Once my song is over, I leave the stage and go sit with a group of my friends out in the audience and scan over the program brochure to see when I'm back on stage again. Looks like I won't be back on until after intermission, so I settle down and enjoy the rest of the show with my buddies (some of which also performed).
About 45 minutes later, it's intermission, so I go and change into my outfit for the skit that I would soon be performing with my friends Nathanael & Luke. I've never been so excited to take the stage! We'd practiced that skit sevreal times now and I could hardly wait to get up there and make the audience laugh :-) Not only that, but I couldn't wait to see Luke in his costume.... hehehe, it's soooo hilarious to see some one who usually looks to be the "cool guy" dressed as a majorly exagerated version of a nerd. LOL!
Thankfully, I didn't laugh through the whole skit and nor did my fellow actors...the audience on the other hand.... haha, well, they were meant to laugh anyway! The skit went awesomely :-) I hope to have a video of that up here some time soon. It was so much fun!
Also tonight I got to be the film crew for the Iron Chickens of America band. That was cool. They are going to use the footage I got of them to make a music video. After the show they were totally thrilled that I let them have their own page in my autograph book. I've been having all my friends sign it... hopfully I will remember to bring it to camp and get all of you to sign it too!

Well, until I get the video footage up onto youtube, that is all for Presentation Night, I guess.
I'm really kind of sad that it's over, actually. Skit rehersals with Luke & Nathanael were so fun... I'm really gonna miss that I think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cool Sarah. I love performing for people, except I dance, not sing. ; )