Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Blessing Candle comes to you!

Sarah didn't sign out of her blog, so I decided to post on it. I am her Mother. I am passing this Blessing Candle to you, Sarah, because you have been a huge blessing to me around the house since I can not do much of anything around here anymore that requires the use of my arms. I want you to know how much I appreciate your help. I know it's not all fun to have to do all these chores, but the alternative is a pigsty and you and Nathaniel are keeping us out of the pigsty! :-)
A little bit about the Blessing Candle:
It was given to me by a blogging friend from Beyond Surviving Home School. Now I get to pass it on to Sarah. Sarah, you get to pass it on to someone else, but keep a copy of it on your blog. Usually, when someone passes it on, they post a comment to the blogger they want to pass it on to that entices them to come to their website and then they are surprised to find a nice post about them, including their blog address and the candle. To get the candle on their blog they have to then make a link with it to their blog.
Sarah is the computer geek around here so she can explain it a lot better than I can.
I love you, Sarah! Blessing to you!


Anonymous said...

Awww! Sarah! That is so awesome of your mom! And you know, I could just see you doing all the house work to help out your mom. :-) I know you to be one of those people. *hugs*

Sarah said...

Thanks mom :-)
*ponders* now whom to pass it on to....?

*hugs Lucy Back*

MJ said...

Wow. You have a really cool mom!

I've never heard of a blessing candle before. Sounds interesting

Anonymous said...

That is VERY funny.

I mean, I think its cool that your mom did it though.

Anonymous said...

A blessing candle . . . you know, that is kinda cool.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Maybe I should try leaving my blog logged in. :)

Bethany said...

That is so cool! I wish my mom did that!

Bethany said...

Oh P.S. Im Zaks little sister

Sarah said...

It really is very cool :-) I'd be curious to know when and how this whole candle deal started.

And hi Bethany! I didnt even know you ever saw my blog.....or had a blogger acount! lol

Bethany said...

Lol I loved it a few years ago and just now Im starting it again..Cool blog!

Sarah said...

Neat :-)


lindy said...

*hugs all around*


Marsha said...

*hugs everybody*


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sam said...

i wish my mom was cool enough to post on my blog!

no wait, i don't.
but still, pretty cool.

Sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lindy said...

Ah! Some one deleted a comment! That drives one's senses of curiosity insane!

Um, sorry. hehe *sheepish smile*


Anonymous said...

You have an awesome mom Sarah Iddings.


*makes weird face*

*gives welcome hug*

Hello Mrs Iddings!

Sarah said...

Oops. That one post that says
"*hugs everybody*


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3"

Was from me...I was sure that it was my account that was signed in... how odd.

But yes, she's a great mom :-)

Captiunculam confringere said...

Not only is your mom cool, she also has the technical ability to figure out how to post on a blog. . .My Mom is still dealing with the wonders of minimizing and tabbed browsing. . .

Sarah said...

lol. Yeah, my mom was blogging long before I was, actually.
I never really had any reason to have a blog... until I met you all at camp!

MJ said...

that's funny

lindy said...
