Sunday, March 23, 2008

It Takes Brains To Live This Life

I always have this problem when I try to take the short way from my chair at the kitchen table to the fridge- I have to squeeze between my dad's chair and the rocking chair that is behind it and I nearly always end up stubbing my toe.

Well this morning I decided to be smart and take the long way around so that I wouldn't stub my toe again. My brother asked why I was taking the more round-about direction and I explained to him that I would avoid pain this way. Seconds after I said that I pinched my thumb on the refrigerator and then shortly after that I tripped and fell up the stairs.

Yeah, go figure. lol. Just when I think I'm gonna be smart for once, something else comes up and I make a fool of myself in an unexpected way.

Welcome to my world!


Anonymous said...

Yep. That is always how it goes. You try to outsmart something and that something turns around, outsmarts you and bites too. And why is it that pain is always involved?

Captiunculam confringere said...

Life needs internet, not brains.
You can never stub your toe on the internet. Next time, email your mom telling her to bring whatever you need up to you.

Sarah said...

Haha. Yes, now there's a solution! Unless of course mom doesn't look at her email :-/ then there would be a problem....

Anonymous said...

you;d be stuck there . . . forever. ;)

Sarah said...

Yeah... and I'd be hungry!
On the other hand, I'd have google talk ;-) but what good would that do me if I starved to death? lol

quenta tindomerel said...

my advice is, do not tempt life by explaining yourself.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that pain is almost always involved?

Anonymous said...

Hmm. . . I think I did.

Sarah said...

I like that, Anna :-) I should add it to my quote collection...