Monday, March 17, 2008

YES, I'm wearing green today...

Those of you who think you can pinch me 'cause I'm not wearing're WONG!! In fact I've even gotten green letters here... My brother on the other hand };-) Really, does it count to have a single green stripe on the bottom of your sock where no one really sees it? I duno. I decided to be merciful to him for today though.
Various events of yesterday put me in an incredibly good mood and I think it's carried over into today, wich I suppose is a good thing :-)


Bo said...

I wore green today, a little green marker mark on my skin on my arm. does that count?

Sarah said...

lol, sure :-)

MJ said...

nope. sorry.

Anonymous said...

I wore green! And I didn't even know it was St Patricks day. . .

Sarah said...

Ah, well good for you Lucy!

quenta tindomerel said...

*sniffle* it's over!!!!
:( :( :( :(

oh well. do we have a color we can wear for easter so we won't get pinched?

Bo said...

i hope not, i don't want to have to wear rainbow colors!

not that i have any of course . . .

Sarah said...

Haha. Boy, if that were the case, I'd probibly do quite well on Easter for colors ;-)

MJ said...

Yeah, rainbow!