Friday, April 4, 2008

"Might As Well Get The Panicing Done Before the Trip Starts."

Well last night my family and I got back from a trip to Longveiw, WA. It was actually more fun than I thought it would be! Funny as well.
I'm tellin' ya, any of you whom live in the cities and are used to those all motion activated bathrooms must really get a laugh when you see some small town hicks like us trying to figure the things out. Haha. I'm rather amused with my mom at times like those :-)

So the trip was nearly 7 hours long...'tis amazing that sitting around doing nothing can so thoroughly tire a parson out. That's something I've never really understood, but whatever. Something I've found with trips like these is that the trip over is far more enjoyable and seemingly faster than the ride back home. Anyhow, I really like car trips like these. Watching the scenery go by.... rocking out to AVA, Relient K, Switchfoot and others on my mp3 player... doing madlibs with my brother. It's really pretty fun. Then there's always that down time when you're just watching cars pass and you fall deep into thought... and then if the same thing happens to you as what happened to me, during that time of thought and watching traffic, you suddenly see an over sized hot dog traveling at high speed down the opposite lane of the highway and everyone in the car suddenly starts yelling "HEY! That's the Oscar Meyer Weener Mobile!"

The best part was unquestionably the discovery museum in the Dalles. That was majorly fun going through taking fun photos and making goofy videos with Nathaniel! One of these days when I can get movie maker to stop crashing long enough, I'm going to put them all together and upload the clips to youtube. Believe me, they're pretty hilarious... at least in our opinions ;-)
Anyhow, until I get all that done, here is one of the videos that will be in our group of vacation clips... it's a cowboy showdown/star wars thing. Hehe, interesting combo, eh?


Anonymous said...

hahaha! That is funny. Clearly you had WAAAAAAY too much fun Sarah! Tis a good thing. ;-)

Sarah said...

lol, guilty as charged!

and 'TIS IS MY WORD!!!! *snatches at word* first Zak and now you... I must put this thing under lock and key! ;-) haha

MJ said...


Cowboy/star wars. interesting :-D

Anonymous said...

Sarah Sarah Sarah. . . . *sigh* Technically, you stole the word from me. I was using it before you. *gently takes word back in hand*

Sarah said...

oh... were you? Oh dear. *graciously lets Lucy have word*

But I can still borrow, right? *puppydog eyes*

Anonymous said...

Of course you can borrow it. After all, it is my word to share! ;-) What else are words for? If everybody never shared their words, than nobody could communicate. *grins* *hands Sarah "'tis"*

Sarah said...

lol, 'tis true :-)

Katie said...

oookay someone went a little to crazy :) sound like fun. I should try it sometime.

Sarah said...

hehe... *looks guilty* yes, I'm rather good at going crazy, aren't I? ;-)