Friday, September 26, 2008

Camp Hope Video of '08

Alright, it's what I know you've all been waiting for (at least from how many questions of "is it done yet?" that I've gotten from everyone. lol)...............THE CAMP HOPE VIDEO OF 2008!!!

Enjoy, people :-)


Dorothy said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing Sarah. you are awsome!!!!

awwww....I miss you guys.

Bo said...


also . . . . is someone going to send it via mail? i thought that happend last year . . . .

Sarah said...

Oh you mean that disc that came in the mail with a song and pictures?

'cause if that's what you're talking about, that wasn't me. That was from (I think) Pastor Harris.

Oh hey did you guys get those picture address book thingys they sent out? I think that was an awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!! That was sa-WEET Sarah!

My inspiration for words is having a hard time at this moment. . . . ..

I miss you guys so much. . . .

Katie said...

AHHH! I LOVE IT SARAH! Totally awesome.

yeah, I got the booklet thing. they did that for the junior campers as well. Works great, if we plan on writing snail mail to each other. ; ) It also amused me that most of us didn't look all that great in the pictures . . . I think we were tired out from Camping.
: D

Sarah said...

Lol! Yes, I thought so too Katie. I think they shoulda taken the pics on the first day of camp when we were all awake and on a high from excitement. Oh well. I still think it was cool. And I like their photo album thingy in the back. Some of the pics make me laugh a lot =) Like the one of me sneaking around with my light sabre and the one of Zak with the styrofoam cups on his glasses. That was hilarious.......

Bo said...


quenta tindomerel said...


i miss camp.

why don't we have reunion halfway through the year or something?

Sarah said...

Yeah that would be so totally awesome. YOU GUYS COULD ALL COME TO CLARKSTON!! There, how about that idea? =) Sounds good to me...haha. Maybe you could all come to the valley on January 5th of this coming year...and all celebrate my 16th birthday with me. That would be the most incredible birthday ever.

Anna, we SO need that teleporter!

Bo said...

that would be awsome . . . but remember we have school. but i'd love to come somewhere around christmas. where do you live anyway?

Dorothy said...

'member we talked about this? just like the one last year. except we have to teleport Sarah too.

my mom said we could have it here if we want.

we just have to wait for Lucy and Lindy to be able to fly down.

oh and btw if you snail-mail me don't use the address in the camp hope book. I was moving that week, remember? so the one in the book is my old address.

Bo said...

no one is answering my quesiton. i really have no idea where anyone is. i don't know where the address book is and since your not living there, i guess it doesn't matter if i have the address book, just that i don't know where we could possibly meet!

help . . . .

please . . . . . ?

Sarah said...

I'm in Clarkston! Which is around 6 or 7 hours away from most of you. Except Lindy, Lucy, and Joy, who are quite a bit farther than that.

Bo said...

oi. i don't think i'll have much hope there . . . . unless we drive to california for christmas . . . . then we might be able to stop by? what direction are you?

Sarah said...

Ummm...well I'm south of Seattle. I think. But I'm horrible with navigating and directions. You might just want to look it up on google maps or something of the sort.

quenta tindomerel said...

lol, let me explain this.

seattle is in the middle way left side of washington. oak harbor is kinda upper middle left side of washington.

clarkston is way way right in washington.

california is way lower left side of general northwest US area.

make sense?

quenta tindomerel said...

no no, it really doesn't. not suprisingly.

let's just to drive through clarkston on your way to california would be a gigantic, loopy curve. like a couple days out of your way.

however, you would probably drive through seattle....

Bo said...


Sarah said...

Ah but what the heck? 2 days is only 48 hours....................which sounds a lot longer when said like that. lol. oh well. But it would be awesome to find a time to get together in between camps

lindy said...

That was a great video Sarah. :-)

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