The night was dark, but despite the late hour traffic carried on as if it were rush hour. Why the girl decided upon this as a good time to ride her bike, I am unsure. Weather the idea be good or bad though, she headed off, unaware of the events that would soon take place.
Biking after dark was not something she normally did, in fact, it was the first time she'd ever attempted the feat. It went off as usual, with the exception of the darkness. The girl whirled down the first two hills that lead away from her house- always her favorite part of biking... speeding down those hills with a warm breeze in her face, causing her hair to fly out behind her. As she reached the bottom of the hill the headlights of the cars pierced the darkness, one by one as they drove past her. To the drivers, she was invisible. As she watched the cars passing by her, illuminating the darkness as they went, she realized that it probably would have been better had her bike had a headlight. Oh, throw away that thought of danger! She biked on down the road.
She kept on going and going, and then she noticed she'd biked past a couple of road work markers...too late to turn back now. As she sped over a speed bump, her and her bike were hurled into the air, where she realized that the road abruptly ended. Now what? She was falling through the darkness in sheer panic, as she made the observation that she was falling directly over the river. Suddenly there was a bump and she was peddling down a dock at full speed, but then at the end another speed bump threw her into the water.
It wasn't cold, strangely enough, but it was dark and deep...She paniced. But then, out of seemilngly nowhere, two figures appeard on bikes and fell into the water with her. They weren't panicking as she was though- they were there with her, holding her, calming her down. They were near the age of the girl, but older than her by several months and definitely taller. One was a guy and the other a girl. The female rescuer turned to her and asked "What the heck were you doing??" The panicked girl relaxed a little as she realized the water was only up to her chest now. Before she could answer, the guy looked towards her and said "We thought you were committing suicide! Are you okay?" The girl stood in the water, observing their moonlit reflections in the sparkling, but dark water. Then she turned to her two rescuers and explained that she didn't see the blockade where the road ended, due to the lack of headlights on her bicycle.
her bycicle.
...The biker was me, the rescuers Bo & Dom. Why? I'm not exactly sure. My subconscious does what it pleases as I sleep at night. I do wish I knew why I have been having such exceedingly odd dreams lately.
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wow! you have the neatest dreams. i wanna cool dream with you and other people in it! but noooooooooo i don't sleep enough to have dreams. darn!
Woooooah, are you serious? That was a dream you had? I thought only people in books get dreams like that!!
at least the water wasn't cold.....
Yup, dead serious. Actually the dream was kinda scary...until Jacob & Anna showed up anyway. But then there's more to it that I didn't put in there....cause after they saved me, Bo dissapeared for like a day or two. It turned out that he'd swam out to this boat to get in on this big conference that was introducing "Gmail Romanian" where they hook us american gmail users up with people from it was so weird.
But wow. I had no idea my dreams were so incredibly unique and book like... Cool!
yeah, it was pretty awsome. i should introduce you all with my friend romie, from rome. his dad was romao. he was the son of romieo, who influenced shakespear to write a play 'bout romo, which, over time, became romeo.
so cool.
that would indeed be jacob. we were probably off hanging out sewing stuff and playing ultimate frisbee.
jacob, why do you keep saying things on the web that make me want to talk about forks? forks.
LOL!! Wow, nice Bo. I wondered who you would meet at the Gmail Romanian conference.......hahaha.
Forks...what kind of forks, Dom? Forks the city from Twilight or fork forks. The forky pointy jab-your-food-with-'em forks?
lol . . . . no, not quite those kinda forks . . . erm . . the kinda forks that . . well, i think i'll let dom explain this one. lol.
yeah, do explain. *is curious*
lolol. The romans sure get original when it comes to names, huh? ; )
dom is not explaining, jacob is. *pokes jacob* it was his idea.
those romans and their names.
'tis funny how these romans all have names that go so well with their country's name XD
perhaps we all should have been called "Americana" or something...
my idea??? . . . i don't remember this . . . lol oh well.
forks meaning . . . . a slight derrivative of wtf.
what the fork!
and yes, a lot of teh romans got their names confused. we had about 5 or 6 romeos in the conference. soooo difficult to keep track of.
What the fork!? lol niiiice. I like that...I should use it XD kind of reminds me of this other funny expression that my friends in the Iron Chickens of America band use...
"Freakin' Pizza!!"
Wow. That would have been very confusing! So how come you just left without telling me or Dom where you were going? you just kinda left us swimming out there in the rifer at night.... o_0
errm, river. not rifer :-P
lol. i'm sorry! i didn't mean to! *grins* ok maybe i did . . . .
lol, what the fork. I like it.
That is a cool dream.
The most important thing i remember about my dream last night was sitting up bumping my head on the ceiling . .. hard. That wasn't a dream. btw I was on a bunk bed. I am not super tall :)
Wow! Yeah I was starting to wonder there, Katie. LOL!
lol i'm gunna dream about bumpin' heads tonight . . .
Ouchies XD I dreamed something about making mud pies with my brother last night... o_0 there was more than just that, but I can't remember the rest.
mud pies . . . interesting.
*contains laughter*
most . . . . . interesting . . .
do you every try to discern meanings from dreams?
lol, what is so funny about dreaming about making mud pies?
I've never really tried to find the meanings of my dreams. It would be really intersting if I could though. I'd love to know why I was dreaming that. LOL! or why the heck I dreamed that you and Anna rescued me from drowning in the river. Or why I always have nightmares that my guitar gets broken XD I've had several of those.
weird. lol. maybe it's god saying that you'll never be a guitarist? LOL that would really stink . . . . *sniff*.
Ouch yeah that would stink. Or maybe it's just my subconcious reminding me how paranoid I am of accidentally breaking my guitar. lol.
Well, what would your explaination be of my dream I used to always get where the Wicked Witch of the West would stalk me around town?
that you need to buy red sparkly shoes and then you'll have the latest in trend ware.
duh! LOL.
either that or you'r gunna melt the next time someone throws a bucket of water on you.
any other dreams?
Oh my gosh I am seriously cracking up now! lol!! Nice. Well in that case I had better go buy sparkly red shoes =D ...and maybe I'll get a rain coat just in case the alternate is true.
hmm *thinks* well I had this one really awesome dream this one time where I got to go to a huge mall and go shopping all ah, yeah, typical girl dreams XD I can't think of any interesting ones to have you think of meanings for at the moment...maybe tonight will bring something!
it means that you need to stay away from malls, becasue they will soon have mind control technology and will stop at nothing to sieze the minds of girls everywhere.
actually...I could see that happening..... XD
Ok, how about the one where I dreamed that my dad had to have his head amputated but he was still alive and walking around talking to people and they didn't even notice he had no head?
(that one kinda creeped me out)
(I'm probably just gonna keep throwing out all the dreams I can remember now here....this "dream translation" stuff is rather
nope, never translate dreams. Sometimes people will show up in my dreams that I DON'T want in my dreams. And I'll wake up and be like, "NO. I SO did not dream about such-and-such."
It's just our subconscious trying to mess us up. ;)
Yeah, I could see that. Like last night I had this weird dream that some guy that I know (can't remember who though. that bugs me) and I were at the library together and Bo was there and then the guy turned to me after I was talking to Bo and told me that he thinks I should stay away from Bo 'cause he had a bad feeling about him... o_0 And then Bo heard him and walked off with a really sad look on his face.... one more thing to chalk up on the list of odd dreams involving camp hopies...
ummm....I realize I'm a little late but...
shouldn't Gmail Romanian be Romania, not Rome? just curious.
Uhhhh I've no idea. But in my dream it was Gmail Romanian, soooo yeah...
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