Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunlight Rant

Don't you just love the feeling...Being able to just sit back, take a deep breath, and just feel completely contented? It's just so nice.

Presentation Night (the local home schooler's talent show) was just last night. It went fantastically! My musical act turned out great and I was completely amazed that I was able to just get up there and sing and act and not be nervous at all. Far cry from the dress rehearsal that morning where it was all I could do to keep from shaking like a leaf. I'd post up a video for you all, but I completely spaced out at the last minute and forgot to ask anybody to video it for me :-/ My choir group also did unexpectedly well... For the longest time I thought there was no way that we could do alright. We were totally unprepared and kept messing stuff up...but some how between the two last rehearsals we got in before the big night, we actually improved greatly. It was amazing. Something I can only attribute as an act of God, really. I don't know how else we could have possibly jumped from stumbling around being unprepared one week to being able to get it just fine the next. Hey, He does answer prayers. Last night was definitely good proof of that. Man. Oh, and in case anybody's interested, I did get a video of the choir... not the highest quality cause it wasn't taken with my main video cam and Ian nearly dropped it a time or two while he taped it for me, but aw well. I'm going to hopefully have it up sometime soon on my facebook.'s not even just how incredibly well Presentation Night came off that has me so happy. It's...well, a lot of things. It's knowing I have some issues with a certain friend fixed. It's the fun of going to a big city mall and acting like a dork in public as my brother and I snapped photos of eachother on every single little kid ride we crossed paths with. It's the joy of having the entire Twilight series at my fingertips and not having to be on a waiting list for two months per book. It's recently gaining a new friend (she's actually the one who lent me the entire twilight series) and the fun of talking and laughing with my friend Jon, the comedian whom I don't normally get to hang out with. It's looking back to last night and cracking up as I think of how rediculous Ian and I sounded as we inhaled the helium that filled the shiney star-shaped decorative baloon that he somehow got a hold of. It's waking up on this beautiful saturday morning and getting to sit in the warm sunny patch of light that is currently pouring through our big glass storm door on the front of the house. I love that door... we just got it put in a couple months ago and ever since, any sunny day we get (which is fairly often) we have our normal front door open so that we can enjoy the sunlight that warms the house through our new glass door. It's wonderful. I now see why my dog loves to sit there all the time... :-)

And then there is always that unforgettable fact that I have you, my loyal friends and readers here for me even though we live miles appart. I love you guys <3

....Well...I guess thus ends my happy little rant. lol. hmm. happy rant... those words don't normally go together it seems. But hey, I guess I always have been the different one! *grins*


Bo said...

lol happy rants are awsome! verya should check this out. she rarely gets a hold of one of these. *grins*

but it sounds like you had a ton of fun. glad to hear it! can't wait to see you on the vids!

Sarah said...

YES! it was so great =D haha thanks... I need to put those up soon. maybe I'll upload 'em this afternoon. I dont have time now cause we're gonna eat fairly soon.

I should be easy to spot though...I tend to kind of stand out XD

Crystal said...

That's great, Sarah! Sounds like everything was awesome!!! Did you get vids of ICOA too? I totally wish I could have been there!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you guys a ton!

Sarah said...

Heyyyyyy Crystal! Long time no talk. Wow, I duno why but I completely spaced for a while and forgot you were on blogger, even though I have your link on here. lol. I need to get on your blog again. And yes! I did get videos of the ICOA. Luke made special request that my brother and I film them again this year. I'll post the vids up some time here soon hopefully.

Crystal said...

Yeah I sorta ignored my blog for a long time but now I'm trying to update it regularly. About time huh? Like 2/3 of the way through my time living over here I finally pull it together! XD And I can't wait to see the vids!!!

Sarah said...

lol! Well, better late than never I suppose =) I'll try and remember to look at your blog.

Anonymous said...

ooh, Crystal, your picture . . .

so pretty. where's it from?

Bo said...

seconded! (i'll try to look at your blog and what is your picture.)


Crystal said...

My picture is of me (taken from above) in my Civil War ball gown I made. :D

Crystal said...

And thank you! :)

Katie said...

I love costumes

Sarah said...

Yeah, isn't that just the neatest pic? I love it =)

And for those of you who haven't seen Crystal's blog yet, she is currently in Thailand. It's pretty cool!....well, except for you missing all the PCHE stuff...

Crystal said...
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Crystal said...

Thanks, guys. :-)

Yeah, I totally miss all the PCHE stuff. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY bad. But Thailand is pretty cool, and I get to travel all over south east Asia.
I can't wait to visit the LC valley in August though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bo said...


Sarah said...

Yes, that will be cool =) is the rest of your family gonna come down from Boise and visit too?

We'll definitely need to plan an Ultimate game.

Crystal said...

No, it'll just be me visiting. I'll be in town for just over a week I believe. And yeah, we need to have like 4 or 5 ultimate games!! ;-)

lindy said...

Wait, THAILAND???? I've been outa the loop for a little too long it looks like. O-m-g.

Crystal said...

I've lived here for....over 7 months now.

Sarah said...

That will be fun! Yeah, we definitely should do several. And maybe have a pool party down at the water park with the PCHE crew...that would be awesome.

lol! Perhaps you have Lindy...but I dont think you ever knew Crystal before... (this isn't the same Crystal who was at camp this past summer)

Crystal said...

Yeah, I don't think I know any of you personally besides Sarah. Although Bo looks familiar but I could be wrong....

And yeah a pool party would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lindy, this is not our tall, musical Crystal from camp.

And I just read that Sarah already said that. . .

Anyways, what do you do there in Thailand? Are like a missionary there? Oh, btw, I'm Lucy, Lindy's sister. :-)

lindy said...
