Thursday, March 12, 2009

The 10 minute post

Well, I'm nearing the end of my half-hour break time from school and have exactly 10 minutes more 'till I gotta head off back to the school work. Meaning I need to finish my science lesson, do a history quiz, finish reading the last little paragraph from the history book, and if there's time, practice guitar a little before lunch.

For "forced reading" as I sometimes call it, mom has assigned me the book by Brett & Alex Harris titled "Do Hard Things". It's actually really good! I always like it when my "forced reading" turns out to be really cool. It's a rather thought provoking book, really. The two guys who wrote it are twin brothers of the age 19. Or at least they were when they wrote it a couple years ago. lol. They talk about how nowadays the teenage years are mainly spent goofing off and compare it to back in the "old days" when teenager wasn't even a word in people's vocabularies. Basically, back then once you hit puberty, you were considered an adult and were given adult responsibilities. They encourage us to try and go out of our comfort zones and to do stuff besides what teens of this age are normally expected. To do big things, or sometimes just those things that in the long run will make a difference but right now just seem, well, hard.

You should check out their blog:

Anyway, break's over in 2 minutes, so I'd better go ahead and hit that bright orange publish button down there.........and then off to do my own hard thing-- history quiz...oh joy... lol.


Bo said...

hey, we were just talking about that book . . . . . over in verya's blog . . . cool . . . lol.

Anonymous said...

pfft. Honestly. Everyone is reading this. Book. Life so is not fair sometimes.

*goes to check if library has it*

Katie said...

It sounds good.

Sarah said...

Lol, well you oughta read it too! It's really good.

Bo said...

lol. i will . .. . . eventually . . . *grins*

Sarah said...

*facepalm* of course our resident procrastinator would say such a thing ;-)