Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Off the ledge

I'm contemplating doing something totally crazy. Something that I before never saw myself doing.

No, contrary to the title of my post I do not plan to anytime soon go cliff diving. LOL.

But it will push me a bit. Making speeches always has made me nervous, and public speaking is definitely involved. More so if I do well with it. Before, I would have never even considered something of this sort...but I'm realizing after reading the book Do Hard Things that it can be good to go out of one's comfort zone. And there can be a lot of opportunity. Not only for me to face (and hopefully get over) my fear of public speaking, but of other stuff too. Learning interview skills, and of course an opportunity to possibly make some new friends. But those aren't the biggies... there are some great rewards involved too.

Now I'm going to stray from this current train of thought to say something, and post something for you all to pray for too. There is this 13 year old named Ron who is in my homeschool group, recently moved to the vally from Tennessee. Anyway, I don't know him that well, but we recently received an email he sent through the homeschool email chain. Turns out that he is extremely passionate about missionary work and has already gone on a mission trip to cuba. This summer he his going on one to South Africa, and feels lead that this is his life calling. Anyway, pray for him and his missions. He also is taking any financial help on this he can get too, and when I find the link for the missions website, I'll post it on the comment board and you guys can look into it.

Anyway, how does Ron's mission connect with what I migh possibly be doing? Simple. He needs money to be able to go on these missions he does, and if I have the opportunity to go through with what I am hoping and actually am any good at it, there are sums of prize money involved. The connection? If it's Gods will that I am able to make it into this, any cash winnings I get I want to send to benefit Ron's missions. It would be amazing. And hey, if God lets me into this and allows me to succeed any little bit, isn't it the least I can do to give back to Him?

So pray that my parents will give me the okay and that if I get permission and am accepted, that this may lead to something good.

Thank you! And when I get my answer, I will let you all know what this is about.


Bo said...

Yay sarah! you can do it! lol.

Sarah said...

Thanks Bo :-)

oh and here is the thing I mentioned

go to and select Support a missionary tab, choose to search by missionary ID, enter Oracle ID #257-0843 in the blank space and proceed as directed.

Katie said...

sounds cool . ..

Sarah said...

Well it could have been, but the answer was no.

Dorothy said...

that's still really cool about what he's doing though. it's crazy being that young and even vaguely knowing what God wants you to do with your life.

a "call" is a blessing that feels like a curse. :D