Sunday, June 21, 2009

Indoor Lightning & Black 'n Yellow Rice

So you wake up in the morning. Upon wondering why your left arm aches like mad and won't stop, you decide maybe a hot shower would be good...and hey, you kinda need one anyway, honestly. After scarfing down a bowl of honey-nut cherios (where the nut part comes in is still a mystery to me. Hmm.) you still half drowsily walk down the stairs into the bathroom, to find that the shower isn't heating up as fast as usual. Odd. After your lukewarm shower it is decided: ya shoulda ran the towel in the dryer to wam it up. "Oh well" you think, and grab the next best thing-- the hair dryer-- out of the drawer. Wishfully anticipating that hot breeze that would soon be generating from the device, you plug it in and flip the switch on the handle. Nothing happens. Gah. But then, that's why there's a reset button on the plug in, no? So you hit the button. Still nothing. You hit it again...and WHOA! That was cool. It still doesn't turn on, but that blue lightning looking flash that surrounded the plug sure looked neat! You hit it again... partially curious to see if it would give you it's electric blue light show again and partly still with hopes that the third time's a charm and the hair dryer might actually turn on. Well, after button press number three, you still have now power to the hairdryer, but again, you still have a miniature fork lightning in your bathroom, which is still rather awesome =] But out of the slight fear you might catch the house on fire if you continiue this amusement, you switch the hair dryer to the other electrical outlet, which gives you no light show but does effectively turn on the hair dryer. Finally.

Hours later, after finishing up schoolwork and suchnot, your downstairs cleaning the bathroom. Oh goodie. And no, it's not because somebody else gained your amusement of earlier and caught a towel on fire. Just one more the regular's on the chore list. That's when you hear your brother racing down the stairs... "Hey mom! Your rice is REALLY boiling over or something!" Trust me. You don't want to have to smell charbroiled rice. Yuck. The smoke pretty much filled the house after mom removed the lid from the pot... strangely though the smoke alarms didn't go off. Now that's not very reasurring. Even now at 2:01 in the afternoon, I'm still getting bits of the burned rice/smoke smell. At least now I'm not suffuring from a smoke inhalation headache though, so that's good.

Oh yeah, just another day in the slightly odder than average Iddings home!
*laughs* now I wonder what will happen in the rest of my Monday...


Bo said...

well? what about the rest of the Monday?

Dorothy said...

HA! that was hiLARious. :D
thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

oooff....35 days till camp. 35 super-long days until we get to just be kids for a whole week.....

Sarah said...

*grin* well you're very welcome, Kacy =)

Super long? Idk... time flies for me it seems. It hardly seems like camp just ended last year! I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster sometimes.

And as to your question Bo... the rest of my monday was certainly not as eventful as the morning. It consisted of trying to rid the house of the smell of charred rice, watching Invader Zim (a really weird, but really funny cartoon that a friend of mine who is actually in college got me started on XD ), and then in the evening we had our family movie night and watched Wall-E (love that movie!)

Dorothy said...

Oh, Wall-E is soooo cute! it's even better when you've seen Hello Dolly too.

man I want to see Up. Pixar is just the king of amazingness. :)

Sarah said...

I haven't ever seen Hello Dolly...ah well. I still love Wall-E :-) I like that little tune they play at the begining of the movie.

YES! Pixar is awesome. I'm hoping to see UP too sometime. I thought it was hilarious on the ads how they kinda made fun of the boy scouts XD "Can I help you cross your yard?" hehehehe.

emily said...

I like the song at the end of wall-e! Do you remember it?

We're comming down to the ground
There's no better place to go
We've got snow upon the mountains
We've got rivers down below

Like that? Oh it's amazing. :-)

Dorothy said...

yeah the song at the beginning is from Hello Dolly. as is the movie he is continually watching through the whole things....


Katie said...

was it windy monday night? A fuze could have blown, and depending on you hot water heater, it could have blown that out to and all you needed to do was re light it.

Sarah said...

Ummm no I don't think it was windy on monday at all. At least that I remember. Hmm.