Thursday, July 16, 2009

Better Get The Super-Glue

Trust. Takes ages to build it up and seconds to smash it into bits.

I honestly don't know what to think *shakes head* . It seems like we're friends, and then communications cut off and I'm pushed off and seemingly forgotten. Yet, I'm told by the person's own siblings that they'd never purposefully do that. That they'd never intentionally cut me off. So now the question stands in the same spot it's been in for months: "are we really friends?"

How am I to know... when my trust and belief of people is shattered? When they're the very one who caused this all in the first place. When I'm constantly in my head questioning everyone's true thoughts and intentions.

Why can't I learn to trust again?

That piece inside me is broken. The glue and duct tape keep falling off and parts are missing. Will I ever find them? Can I ever be put back together?

I hate this.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* Need somebody to talk to?

Bo said...

I like rants. If you wanna rant, lemmme know!

Sarah said...

*sighs* maybe so...
Thanks you two :)