Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You could have told me sooner

Pray for me.

I had a horrible migrane headache last night. I feel weak and half sick this morning.

and not just that.

I did possibly the most idiotic thing I have ever done. I thought letting the truth be known was what I needed to do. In a way its good. I now know the other half of the truth and am not running on mere speculation. Yet on the other hand, I'm deeply affraid now that because of my stupidity I've lost somebody who has been an extremely good friend to me. And that is probably why I'm sick. Who knew there was so much truth in the phrase worried sick?

Pray I feel better. Pray I havent lost a friend and that we'll get to talk again soon. And pray that in some way all of this will turn out good and in some way possibly strengthen my relationship with God.

Thanks. Now back to doing school in bed...