Actually my sudden hunger reminds me of this Bible verse I came across this evening: "When goods increase, they increase those who eat them." - Ecclesiastes 5:11. So, so true! That's probably why there is such a problem with obiecity in America. I just thought that was so well put; I had to share it with you guys :-) I think Ecclesiastes now ranks in my top fave books of the Bible. I randomly flipped open my Bible this evening, letting the pages fall where they may as I prayed to God to lead me to whatever it is He needs me to hear. I ended up there, in Ecclesiastes, and somehow just couldn't stop reading it. So I read through the whole 12 chapter book in about 45 minutes... Then realized it was time to go downstairs for evening devotions with the family and looked down, realizing that I never did finish that chart in home ec. that I should have done hours ago. Oh well... "procrastinators unite, tomorrow!", I guess. Now that I think of it, I STILL haven't finished it. I should probably be getting that done says if I don't she won't let me go airsofting tomorrow with my brother :-/ But of course I won't let it go to that extreme- 'sides I'm rather excited to go cause I haven't gotten to go to an airsoft war since Nathaniel's 13th birthday back in March.
Home Ec... hey that reminds me of something else. Something I found somewhat funny and ironic earlier when I was working on it. So right now I'm studying in it about nutrition and vitamins 'n that sorta thing... As I was reading the lesson I was listening to my mp3 player, which was playing the song "Dental Care" by Owl City. All the while as I was doing these two things, I was munching away from my massive stash of skittles that I keep. *Laughs* of course I suddenly noticed the irony of this and decided it would make a terrific photo-op, so once again today I found myself procrastinating on my chart project so that I could take the following photograph:
...Hm, and speaking of irony, another thought just crossed my mind. You ever thought about how contradictory money is? Seriously. Read a penny. In little print around it it says "In God We Trust". Yet so many people tend to forget about God altogether in the pursuit of riches. Funny, isn't it? I think people should take more time to study their cash before they put it into savings.
Well, one thing seems to be leading to another here tonight. The thought of pennies brings up one more thing into mind. Don't worry, I promise this is the last of my "wannabe philosopher" moments here tonight :-) Actually this isn't really something I came up with; my youth leader told it to me.... So there was this guy walking down the street and he finds a penny. He stops, picks it up, and holds it up to the light staring at it a few minutes. His friend stares at him asking what is so special about this penny. He points out the spot that says "In God We Trust" and says "Whenever I find a penny lying around, it is something to make me stop and realize that I'm stressing too much. It is a reminder of the soverign power of God in my life, so every time I see a penny, I stop, pick it up, and say a prayer." How cool is that? I don't know where Mr.Gunkel found this story, but I love the idea. Pennies will forever remind me now :-)
Alright, well this post perhaps wasn't as genius and flowing as I had originally pictured before the poptarts started calling my name... It was more bits and pieces than anything. So I hope you don't mind. lol, oh well. Anywho, it's nearing upon 10:45 now and I need to go finish home ec and then get myself some sleep so I can have some good energy tomorrow for Airsoft, to bake Dad's birthday cake, and possibly to rearrange my bedroom furniture if I so happen to have the time (heh we'll see on the last one. I've been throwing this idea around for weeks.)
I bid you all good night! (or perhaps good afternoon or morning, depending upon what time you end up laying eyes on this post)
Sarah/Misty, signing off. <3
1 comment:
I love that picture!!!
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