Thursday, October 1, 2009

There's questions & answers you'll never understand

So over my half-hour break from school a couple days ago, I was reading Bo's blog post having to do with questioning authority- it was quite interesting and a great post. It's so true how everywhere you go, especially for teenagers it seems, we're encouraged to question authority. But like in the quote that was posted with his post, there are always things that we have to take and believe because they are from reliable authorities.

Directly after I read his post, mom walks into the room ranting about the latest political video she's watched having to do with government conspiracy theories. It got me to thinking... although in a lot of cases it is wise and beneficial to follow authority and believe in things from authoritative sources, at times authority is meant to be questioned. Sometimes we need to look for facts and proof in other sources than from those who lord over us and speak the loudest- we can't always just sit back and be blind followers. In some cases I believe we need to test the voice of authority; just because they're higher in ranks than us doesn't mean they're always right... or that they always tell us the truth.

Yet on the other hand of things, sometimes we need to question those who question authority, as those voices are not always for a fact in the right either.

Yeah, life. It's confusilating, huh?

The latest story I've been informed of is this government conspiracy theory that the attack on the Twin Towers back on 9/11 was actually planned and staged by our government. Yeah, that's right. It seems a little far-fetched, huh? Yet... you never know. People have been searching the issue out; they've noticed on the videos of the plane crashes that there were things on the bottom of the aircraft that look suspiciously like missles, and that the planes exploded before it seems they should have-- before the fuel tanks made impact. The other piece is that there was no video of the first plane hitting the towers shown on the news because the only people who happened to have video footage of it didn't release it until three months after the event. The weird thing? When President Bush was asked by a kid what he thought when he saw the twin towers go, he said "Well, my thoughts when I saw the first plane hit were, 'My, what a bad pilot!'" - yet he COULDN'T posibly have seen the first plane hit as he was watching the news that day as he said he was. Suposedly he was watching the news before he went into the classroom to talk to the kids. But he went into the class to speak before the second plane had hit, and when it did hit, apparently there was a secret service agent who went in and whispered something in his ear. Suspicious? Perhaps. And when Boeing was ased about the missle-looking things they made no comment what so ever. The people pointing these things out are saying that it is all in the mission to ruin the country's economy and force us into a one-world government.

I'm not sure what to think on all this. Any more, I don't hold much trust for our government, and thinking biblically, it all could be quite possible-- a one world government? Hey, things are leading up to the End Times, people! It would make sense. Yet, on the other side of things, Boeing may not have commented because they didn't want anything they said to be possibly held against them in court in the future, and therefore decided to give the media no quotes to run with to try and incriminate them later. With the quote from George Bush, he may very well have not been thinking and just spouted out a quick and funny answer to apease the kid. Who knows? We live in a world full of explanations, and for every situation there is only one true story...but which one is it?

Power corrupts
Situations errupt
Who can you trust
When things all blow up?
When evil constantly comes
There's only One
Cause every person has a dark side
And swords won't save us this time


Katie said...

wow . . . thats a lots to think about

emily said...

This keeps comming up all around me, weather or not we should question authority. I think it's got to be a ballance... hardly anything is all or none!

Sarah said...

Very true, Em. It's like my pastor always says-- "All things in moderation"