Monday, October 12, 2009

Verses Vs. Verses

I had just got to thinking recently... so often I'm finding that I've gotten to the end of a day and then suddenly think as I'm about to go to sleep "Man, I never read my Bible today...again." It's sad. I'm not in the Word nearly as much as I know I ought to be. But what if I read one verse for every song I listened to each day? I listen to music *so* much. I'm cranking the tunes all morning most of the time as I do my school work, while I draw, when I'm repairing clothes for dad, cleaning my room, doing internet, on car trips... or even the occasional time when I'm tired out and am just lying around on my bed. Anytime, anywhere. Heck, I'm sitting here pumping techno music as I write this post while reloading my mp3 player! But seriously, every song is AT LEAST a minute and 30 seconds long, and that's an unusually short one. Most songs are between 2:30 and 5:00 minutes. A single Bible verse on average takes 30 seconds or less to read. Think about it, it doesn't take NEARLY as long to read one verse as it does to listen to one song, and yet we (or at least I anyway...) seem to find time in the day to listen to song after song, yet don't tend to get nearly as many Bible verses in than song verses. How pathetically lame can I get? I guess it's good that God gave me a little brother, because this is one area in life where he puts me to shame. I'm continually walking past his room, seeing him on his bed reading his Bible. He's just so dilligent about it! And while I'm sitting on a road trip with my face in a copy of Lord of The Rings, he's on the opposite end of the back seat reading of the Lord of the world. If that's not convicting, I dunno what is.

Although I feel my walk with God has strengthened a ton this year from where I had been before, I know I could do so much better. And I SHOULD do far better.
But it can be hard sometimes, cause it's a constant battle between the flesh and the spirit. All these things I'd like to do and all these things that I should be doing.

I hate how I'm such a procrastinator; maybe tomorrow I'll fix that ;-)
^^^And that would be my problem.

So I'm going to attempt my own challenge: a verse for a song. Or at least a verse per song on estimate...because for how much music I listen to, and how often I space out while listening, it would be pretty dang hard to count exactly =P

I would say I'm going to try, but that brings me around to what we learned at youth group last week; "Do or do not; there is no try!" Because to allow for the possibility of failure is a sure thing that you will fail.

Please pray for me :-)

Sarah/Misty, signing off. I wonder how many songs I just listened to while writing this post?


Bo said...

Praying! A and B the C of D, I like your idea of reading a verse for a song. Sounds really difficult though. I hope you can do it! That's so awesome.

Sarah said...

Thanks, Bo =) Actually it's been working out surprisingly well! I honestly wasn't completely sure if I could do it or not...I think the prayers are working *grin*

and on a side not, what in the world does A and B the C of D mean?? "And By the Call of Duty".... "Also, before the crisis of doom"? *wonders*

(hehehe I love coming up with acronyms)

Bo said...

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. You almost had it! Lol.