Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is the Sound of Settling...

Ok to start off.... I'm just curious... Do I still even have readers any more? Just wondering... cause it seems like I'm lucky to even have 1 comment any more on stuff :-/


And with that being said, I shall move on.

So, wow. This has been quite a Christmastime here! Its been a great December. A little crazy, too. Crazy as in working like mad to send Christmas cards, and still not getting to everybody you had hoped to send to, but feeling good about the ones you managed to do in time. Crazy as in having loads of parties to go to with friends. Crazy as in having 2 guys tell you they like you within the course of 3 weeks. Crazy as in it suddenly being so close to the year TWENTY-TEN :-o !! .... and more. But looking back, I most definitely must say its a good kind of crazy.

Christmas was great. Oh, and Christmas Eve, Eve as well. haha my parents decided to save space in the car, they would let us all open all but one present the night before Christmas eve so that we would have less stuff to pack to gma & gpa's the next day. Honestly I very much approve of this idea, because as it turns out, one of my gifts happened to be a video MP3 player, so it gave me just enough time to load some music/pictures onto it before we left :) yay! So then the next day (Christmas Eve, of course) we went to my grandparent's house (like we do every year). That evening we opened gifts with my gparents, family, and aunt + uncle. Sweet! It was great. And we all got some good laughs when Grandma recieved a Snuggie but put it on backwards XD ...honestly I thought it looked kinda cool that way. It was like this awesome pink cape-- with sleeves! But apparently you put it on with the covering on front and its like a long sleeve hospital gown without a way to fasten it in the back. *shrugs* really it could go both ways.

Honestly it would take too big of a post to write up the entire weekend at my grandparent's place. But I'll just list some random fave memories:

My cousin David's wife Holly playing Peanuts music on the piano

Big Christmas dinner (it's like Thanksgiving!)

Discussing everyone's past experiences or experiences of others of beheading chickens. While we all ate lemon merangue pie (uh no idea how we got on that topic...).

Playing (and winning!) my first ever game of Bunco (FUN!)

Walking around the house in the dark at 4:00 AM in the dark with a blanket over my head carring mom's mini netbook around trying to get access to wifi... and finally succeeding, after going back to where I had started, no less =P

Feeling smart in my sunday school class at my grandparents church. I was shocked how juvenile the teen class seemed.

Playing with the McDonald's Drive Thru kitchen playset at my aunt + uncle's place...hehe! They've had that thing for like 20 years! Started for my cousins when they were kids. Then they had it out for me when I was a little kid, and I hadn't seen it in ages...but then they got it out again for my cousin's kids. So when they went to do something else I took over the kitchen *big grin* it was SO fun. Good times.

And last but not least (in fact honestly it was the most memorable part of the whole weekend)... a certain evening IM conversation with a good friend of mine, that made me feel sad for a time but ended with us both being really happy :-)

....Yeah, there have been loads of ups. And some downs when my 4 year old cousin barfed all over right before everyone left after Christmas dinner =P and not sleeping good for 4 nights in a row. But oh well. All things considered, its really been one of the best Christmases ever!

...and on a side note, HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!!!

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