Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is this Greenery!?

The weather was nice and I decided that it'd been too long since I'd gone biking. So I grabbed my aqua-pack, bike, wallet, keys- oh and of course, my always-present camera- and headed off on the 4-something mile trek to our local Super-Walmart; the "mall" of the Clarkstonians :-)

As I pedaled my way along a residential stretch in downtown Clarkston, all seemed just great. Then suddenly, there is a monstrous rosebush that bars my way; worse yet, it's growing much nearer at an unnervingly fierce rate. Fortunately, the sidewalks are not very high and I managed to swerve into the street just in time for a narrow miss. Whew. But just when I think it's safe, I turn out to be mistaken and plow through the branches of a large bush that are sticking out over the sidewalk... at least it wasn't thorny. Even so, I couldn't help shaking my head with annoyance- idiots, I think to myself, do they have no consideration for the well-being of fellow civilians?

Now, this may seem like one of the weirdest comparisons you've ever heard, but we can be similar in our lives to those people who let their bushes grow over the city walkways. Yeah, I know, you're probably just staring, going "Ooookay, Sarah. Whatever you say..." But really. Do we keep our actions "pruned back" or do we let them run amok and in turn, cause those around us to stumble or swerve into potentially dangerous areas (like my nearly being in the middle of a busy street)?

So, almost everybody gets told this at some point in time (and usually more than once), but its always good to be reminded: our speech and actions can greatly affect others. The question is: do we affect them to the bettering of their spiritual life, or does what we do get in the way of their walk with God and cause them to swerve off the strait & narrow road?

Pruning the bushes may seem like an unimportant task that can be put off until later, but although their growth from day to day is subtle, bushes can get wild and out of hand before we know it. Likewise, some sinful behaviors and habits in our lives may not seem like a huge deal and we figure "Oh well, one of these days I'll change my ways, but just not right now". As my youth group leader says, "You're always either growing closer to God or moving farther away from Him. There's no middle ground." If we just keep saying "Sure I need to change, but I'll change later", things can only get worse from there. I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to be the one to cause someone to fall off the sidewalk of life into dangerous streams of traffic.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Life of Lately...and Military Intellegence!

I'm starting to get overdue for the next post... I just haven't really had much time lately though. lol. But lets just say my week has been WAY awesome :) And everything I posted about on the last post has all been cleared up and all's good. I'm happy. Oh, and my brother, David, and I are doing a skit in the homeschool talent show next month, so below is the script that I wrote (at 5am yesterday!), which we will perform... Lemme know what you think! The three of us loved it :-) (and it may look long on a blog post, but it actually takes like all of 2-3 minutes to read. I timed it when I test performed it yesterday. lol

Narrator= David
Soldier= Me
General= Nathaniel

Narrator: I wonder about military stuff sometimes. Apparently the walkie-talkie was a military invention. Then I come to wonder; "how the heck did it end up with a name like that?". I mean, military stuff always has these cool tough sounding names... Tomahawk Missle! Apache Helicopter! Ak47! ...Walkie talkie?

General (walks over to a table with several devices lying out on it): Well, what do ya have there, Soldier?

Soldier: It's a new telecommunications unit that enables the troops to speak effectively in the field.

General: What's it called?

Soldier: Walkie-talkie!

General: Huh?

Soldier: Look, I'm walkie and I'm talkie! (marches around while speaking)

General: Huh well I suppose you are...

Soldier: I'm walkie and talkie General, can YOU walkie and talkie??

General: *cough* Erm, sure. So, what's this new explosive device?

Soldier: The Whammie-Cablamie!

General: And this? (holds up gun)

Soldier: This is the Rootie-Tootie-Aim-N-Shootie!

General: I see....

Narrator: Hey, can YOU think of a better reason? (pauses) Don't answer that. But really, I guess I could see how all the tough guys overlooked a name like that. I mean seriously, those guys are in some INTENSE training! It's not easy...all those drills... Not to mention having to learn all these new terms and such.

General: Alright soldier! ABOUT FACE!

Soldier: (pulls out a mirror) Uh...

General: What the heck are you DOING soldier!? I said about face!

Soldier: Well what about my face? I don't see anything wrong with it.

General: I'm not talking about your face! ABOUT FACE!!!

Soldier: There you go again talking about my face. Seriously dude. So what, do I have a zit or something?

General: I've had ENOUGH of this, Soldier!! ABOUT FACE AND I MEAN IT!

Soldier: Well whatever it is about my face, would you PUH-LEASE stop yelling about it?!

Genearl: *Facepalm* ARGH. Ok. Forget it.

Soldier: See, I told you there was nothing wrong with my face.

General: (takes deep breath, speaks slowly) Just turn, stand up strait, and face in THAT direction (points towards audience).

Soldier: SIR, YES SIR! (turns and stands strait & salutes the audience)

Narrator: Yeah...like I said, it can't be easy. Heck, they don't even call you by your own name. But seriously folks, pray for our military. Uh, and not cause they're all like her (points at soldier) *lowers voice* She's not like mosta them; trust me. She's just a few bullets short of a fully loaded gun if you catch my drift.

General: HEY YOU! (runs toward Narrator, dragging soldier along by the wrist)

Narrator: Huh?

General: You and all the rest of us have all of 30 seconds to vacate this stage!

Narrator: Vacation already?

General: NO!

Narrator: Then why leave?

General: Gomer Pyle here just accidentally innitiated the detonation sequence of the Whammie-Cablamie!


General: So lets MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE people!

Narrator: Oh! Well in that case...I'm outa here! G'night everybody!

(Explosion sound effect plays as cast runs off stage)

(After explosion, cast comes back, bows, and moves their props back stage)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I just wish that I could dissapear//someone take me far away from here

First off, thanks people for commenting on my last post- it makes me glad to know I at least have two people who check my blog :)

Well what a week. What a first few weeks of 2010, for that matter. It's amazing what a range of feeling one can experience in a short amount of time. Currently I feel horrible. I got in trouble with mom earlier for the first time in ages and now I have a headache and a sore throat that has been ever-increasing all evening. *sigh*

I suppose I could save myself a lot of trouble sometimes if I was better at talking to my parents about stuff. Ugh. Why does it have to be so freaking hard sometimes? In a sense it would be easier to just tell them, yet the actually telling them part is something that freaks me out so much I could practically throw up. And I'm not even particularly sure why. But talking to parents about relationships is scary...anybody with me on this one? And yes, incase you're guessing, they know nothing of what's been going on between David and I the past month (and if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, read the comments on the post below this). It's not even like there is anything bad that has happened with him and I that I'm trying to hide, either. It's just the very fact of admitting that yes, he and I like eachother that intimidates me. I don't like talking relationship stuff with them, even though it's probably what should be done. I suppose I'm just affraid what they'll say or do... there's always this fear in the back of my mind that if I tell them they'll not let the two of us hang out any more =/ Maybe it's irrational. I don't know. But I don't particularly want to test the theory just incase it does happen....ergh. life.

On the up side of stuff, until today things have been awesome. My birthday has lasted for like a whole week this year and that is totally great =D Like seriously, I started getting gifts and bday wishes from people since 2 days before my birthday and then I've had a tricling of birthday cards and belated wishes and presents from then until this past Tuesday. Oh man I have amazing friends! Despite not having had a party like I did on my sweet 16, it's been a very special birthday none the less :)

Anywho, our computer is going to kick me off soon.... now to go sweat it through our evening family time devotions. Because if mom is going to grill me, it will be right after devotions while her, dad, and I are all together. Cause thats when all the serious subjects come up *shudders*

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I am in way over my head.


Now what.....