Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow...for serious?


Summer went by way too fast. I'm not sure if that's good or bad....

Pros and cons...

*No more water park - CON

*Moderate temperatures for taking walks outside - PRO

*Crunchy leaves to walk all over- PRO

*It's closer to when Zach has go to back to Texas - CON. CON. CON!!!

*School - CON

*Teen Bible study starts again- PRRRROOOO!!!

*Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all the sooner - PRO

*The Fair is coming, which = extra spending money - PRO

*And it gets me all the closer to graduating......That I am unsure of the pro/con status of. I guess I'll find that out when I get there. But it thus far looks like I will be the only girl in my graduating class, which I think will be awesome because I can choose a completely different color of robe than everybody and get away with it =D haha!

So how are you?


Katie said...

I'm great!! Good post. I can totally think of the Pros and COns of fall. But the colors are great, and I love the weather!!!!

Sarah said...

YES. Colors are absolutely awesome. I forgot to mention that. I'm looking forward to taking my camera to the park and photographing the changing leaves when they change. lol and maybe getting my bro and Zach or somebody together to go with me down there and rake the biggest leaf pile ever to jump in :)