Friday, October 19, 2007

Simple Pleasures

I haven't posted in more than a week now....I haven't felt very creative lately. I guess it's all this rain we've been having. I don't know why, but when the weather is like that I just don't feel like writing. Nothing comes, ya know? And yet some how, even in the rainy weather, if you look for them, you will still find the simple little pleasures that God throws in for you. Like opening your bedroom window at night when it's pouring out and just looking out at the lights and feeling the cool breeze on your face and the smell of rain. Ahhh, it's wonderful.

Really, half the time you hardly think about the simple pleasures of life. They just happen and pass and you're just thinking "oh, well that was nice. Now what?". Take time, slow down, think about the fun little details that help make up your day. I think that's mostly why I've enjoyed this past summer so much......All the little things that have happened to brighten up each day.

Meeting up with friends at the water park and getting kicked out of the hot tub together because none of us are 15 or older....trying to see how many of us can fit on one inner tube in the wave pool... learning to skateboard on the most uneven pavement ever with my best friend at my side... hanging out with three of the greatest people ever on the Messick's front porch...Ah, yeah. Good times. And then there's always the late nights where I'll sit at my window for like an hour just staring at a full moon and thinking about stuff like this.

Anyone ever looked at a full moon through binoculars? It's incredible! And you know what else? The saying really can be true "The best things in life are free". Come to think of it, even the best time I ever had at the water park was on a free day... And no matter what, you can always tap into those memories for free :-)


lindy said...

hahahaha some times the free little things, the cheep little things you buy at the gift shop ARE the best! Very good point my fellow padawan. ;)


The WATER PARK?!! It's nearly November Sarah!! What are you doing int the WATER?!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That was awesome!
I completely agree with you!
I love cheap thrills!
I'll try calling you today. :)

Sarah said...

I wasnt at the water park this month, Lindy. It was back in July/August. But if I wanted to I actually could go to the waterpark this time of year because they have an indoor area too :-)

Haha, fellow padawan. There's been quite a bit of Star Wars stuff lately. On piczo (this thing that some friends and I are on together) the guys have all started up what I call "Car Wars" and it's this whole Chevy Vs. Toyota battle with somewhat of a Star Wars theme mixed in. It's kinda funny. Like the Chevy people are the Jedi and the Toyota people are the Sith. Lol.

That will be fun to hear from you again if you get around to calling, Lucy. It was so fun getting to talk to you last night!

Anonymous said...

I feel terrible! I didn't call you like I said I would! What is happening to me? I don't even call my friend like I said I would!

Don't worry I WILL make the time very soon! I'm soooooooooo sorry! Will you forgive this bad friend?

Anonymous said...

Yes! I very much enjoyed talking to you yesterday! It was so nice to talk since we hadn't since camp.

*slaps hand* I will be better about this whole calling thing.

Sarah said...

Yes, I forgive you, Lucy! I know people forget sometimes. If you call me though, just be sure that it isn't a monday night because that is our family night and I cant talk then. And thursday nights I have youth group. Typically any other night is ok to call though and for weekends pretty much any time is good!

Hope to hear from you soon :-)

quenta tindomerel said...

star wars rocks! any tips on how to dress up as a jedi? apparently that's what I'm doing for this halloween thing we're doing. so I'm just going to go "look, it's a padawan braid! can't you tell! LOOK AT THIS!" and hope they notice. :P

lindy said...

ROTFL Anna that's brilliant!! What ARE you doing for halloween? I wish I could go trick-or-treating, just for the candy. ;)

Any ways.

Do the braid just behind your ear, k? I've done this a few time myself, hahaha. Send me a picture of yourself when you're dressed up k?

Sarah said...

Haha, sounds fun.
And you're not the only one who'd like to go begging for candy, Lindy! I love getting Hershy bars and pretty much anything chocolate.
Send me a pic of your costume too, Anna! I'd love to see! I was thinking about dressing up as a pirate...just for the fun of it ;-)