Thursday, December 20, 2007

And This Means WAR!

It is the epic battle...The terrorized vs. the terrible. The enemy comes in millions, but invades your home just a couple at a time. They show up when they're least expected and if they don't get caught quickly, they dissapear without a trace into parts unknown to torment other victoms. Their reflexes are usually quite fast and they know how to torture. Yet, fortunately, we have advantages. One of those being the electric vacuum cleaner.
Yes, it is the long waging war of Sarah Vs. Spider!
9:45 PM: Base Camp: Otherwise known as... my bed.
"The enemy has invaded once again. This time, they have penetrated the base camp and are currently using fear to their advantage to cause more havoc.
Enemy leg span: about one inch.
Color: dark brown.
Enemy position: inside the roof of the base camp. (aka, my canopy)"
Okay, yeah... here's kinda how it went...
Mom: Good night, Sarah. Love you.
Sarah: Good night. Love you too. [lays back on pillow and looks up] AAAAAAHHHH! [jups to back of bed]
Mom: What!?
Dad & Nathaniel run in: What's going on?
Sarah: Huge spider in my canopy!!!
Dad: Well let's squash it.
Sarah: Not on my canopy- I don't want guts all over it!
Mom: Get the vaccuum cleaner.
[grabs vaccuum]
Sarah: Did ya get it??
Mom: I thought it was on the outside of your canopy- it was inside.....Where'd it go!?
Sarah: AW MAN! I think I saw it run out.... I hope it's not in my bed.
Dad: [digs through random stuff near the head of Sarah's bed] I don't see it.
Sarah: Hey, watch out for those papers! Don't wadd up my drawings.
Dad: Well what're they doing down there?
Sarah: Uh... I don't really know...
[Mom & Dad give up looking for spider]
Sarah: Well good nigh...I hope that THING gets out of my room before morning.
The Next Day: 8:47 AM
[Sarah wakes up]
Arggh! It's back!
And that thing still hasn't been sent to it's rightful home....that being the vacuum.


Anonymous said...

Haha!! Very funny Sarah!! Thats about how I am with spiders!! I can't stand them!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind bugs so much, it is just the squashing and the crunching part that I don't like. Yuk! If I don;t have to feel them crunching, then I'm all good:)

Sarah said...

I'm more of a vacuum cleaner sort of person when it comes to killing spiders... that or stomp 'em.... but that doesn't work so well when they're in my bed's canopy ;-)

Sarah said...

Oh, and I will hopfully be posting about my family's Christmas celebrating soon here, but until that happens, I just added a post below this that I'd typed up and forgotten to put on until now.

quenta tindomerel said...

they're invading my house too! lucy would know, haha. I think I yelled into the phone when kacy pointed out the spider above my head.

lindy said...

That's my new blog address.

Did you get my letter???

Sarah said...

Okay, I'll be sure and save that.

And yes, I got your letter yesterday! And my letter for you just got sent this morning :-)
'Tis so fun to have a penpal... :-)