Rock concerts are amazing...... The wild bright lights, the loud music... a place where I can just be consumed by the music and not feel like an idiot for dancing in public. Haha yeah.
I went to one this past weekend... it was amazing. (if you've been on my facebook, you may have seen the pics). Rode 45 minutes up to Pullman, with my friend David cracking jokes and telling stories of his boyscout adventures all the way. I couldn't have asked for a better travel mate- he's one of the most entertaining people I know, and is always great to have along on road trips :-)
The turnout for the concert was huge- nearly the whole Something Or Other Stadium was full! I call it that for two reasons- 1, it's alliterated, and 2, I can't remember the actual name of it. It always slips my mind. Anyhow, there had to be at least 1,000 people there. We showed up a slighty bit late (that's the one downfall to riding up with David, as he says, his mom is notoriously late...but we didn't miss much), so I didn't get the awesomely awesome front spot with the mosh pit like I did at the past two concerts I was at. Either way though, it was great. The bands of the evening were Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, and Hawk Nelson (and like two others that I'd never heard of but liked...forgot who they were though...) Again, totally awesome =D
I had no idea how full a hallway could be. Try cramming a thousand people into a hall that is probly 8 or 10 feet wide. Yeah. I mean, it was pretty long lengthwise, but everybody was crammed on one end of it because that's where all the souvenir stands were...not only that but so were the bands and singers! David and I joined the mega-lines and got autographs of the Hawk Nelson band and Jeremy camp =D yay! lol I had them sign the brochures I'd picked up that advertised for the next concert... I couldn't find anything else XD David on the other hand had a rather original idea-- he brought his old gameboy advance and had Jeremy camp as well as Hawk Nelson's lead singer sign it! They seemed rather amused.
And my excitement didn't end with the concert, either! This whole week I've been getting high on anticipation.... TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL I GO TO SEATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bounces* it's pretty much the most anticipated vacation trip of my lifetime :-) Well, actually it's three days if you count today, but being that the day is nearly over, I'm not counting today. We leave early Friday morning. yay! It doesn't look like I'll get to see any camp hopies though =( I was really hoping to, but it doesnt look all too likely. Unless any of you plan to visit Trinity Reformed Baptist for their evening service on Sunday. Otherwise, I don't think I'll get to see anyone. Unless Bo somehow manages to convince his parents to let him drive two hours to hang with me and my family... that would be amazing, but I sure can't count on it happening :-/
Anywho, this will probably be the last post you bloggers shall see from me until some time the week after this comming. At that point there will probably be a hyper happy rant about all the stuff I did in Seattle. *grins*
Happy Spring Break to you all!
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WOW! sounds like you had a lot of fun! glad to hear it. i need to get on facebook and see those pictures. did you take any video?
YESSSSSSSSSS I DID!!!! lol thanks :)
And yeah I did take a few videos, I'll post them some time... all the super cool songs had a lota drums though and the camera that I brought doesnt record drums very good :-P But there are some neat vids I got with the audience and the band taking turns singing and those are pretty cool... I'll post them here one of these days... I also need to put up the vids of my youth group's worship practice... I promised my friend Karen I would. And I need to finish posting my bday concert vids for the Iron Chickens...gosh I have a lot of vids I need to upload...
Order of business.
1. Please invite me to read your blog with my new email
2. I've changed my blog address to
so you will have to change your blog link, thingy.
Ok! Thanks Lindy. I'll do that here...
have fun in Seattle!!! sorry we can't would be cool. unfortunately my "nice and relaxing" spring break got crammed. not cool.
and I so wanted to read King of Attolia. maybe next week during French....first week is always incredibly boring.
I wish we could see you . . We don't even get a spring break!!!
I wish we could see you . . We don't even get a spring break!!!
Aww, that's a bummer =( I have some friends up in Wisconsin who don't get to either.
Well......if your parents would take you over to Trinity Reformed Baptist for their evening service on sunday I could see you =D lol idk how far away that is from ya though...
Well, when I get home and have a chance to download my on the go writings off my pocket PC, there will be quite a few new blog posts for you guys to read. *grins*
YAY!!!! I'm excited!!!!
I don't know why I'm so excited to read about a place I've been all my life. maybe it's just getting someone else's view of it. put lots of pics up please!!!
fun fun fun
Lucy - boop.
you've been booped.
lol! you're funny, Kacy :) But yes I will definitely have LOADS of pics! I'm gonna have to weed through 'em and only upload my faves or something though cause on the count that my camera keeps, I've taken somewhere in the neighborhood of 540 pictures so far...and we've not even been to the Washington State History museum or the Capitol building yet!...yeah I'm such a total shutterbug XD I've lost count of how many diff shots I've got of the Space Needle on this trip. It's just so freakin' fun to take pictures of!
I KNOW!!!!!!!!! we're going to see a Tale of Two Cities at the Seattle Center tomorrow, and now that I'm taking photography at school I have even more motivation to take pics! but EVERY time I'm at the center I take more pics of the Space Needle. it's like....addicting, or something.
Its just fun to take pictures of.
Wow . . . Hawk Nelson. That's pretty awesome!
Hmmm, I don't think anybody got the whole booping thing Lindy.
you have been booped.
YES! It totally is. And then there's the fact that i'm just such a shutterbug XD I was looking at my camera and it shows that I've taken like over 600 photos on this trip. more than 600 pictures in 6 days? holy crud. that's like 100 pictures a day! haha gosh. but they should slow down now...we're in Kelso for the next couple days and then to my other gparents in Waitsberg and so there will be like nothing interesting to photograph probly :-P
I've realized I can photograph things to death, but I can't take a good picture of a person or a group to save my life.
I'll have to work on that.
oh and I need twenty pictures for class next week sometime...
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