Saturday, October 27, 2007

Where'd the brilliant title go?

*Sigh* I'm rather tired this evening and therefore am not feeling extremely creative in my writings tonight.
But hey, it's been a week now and I really should post something so that you all at least know I'm alive. So yeah, if nothing else, you at least know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth or anything-- I hope that thought comforts you and doesn't keep you awake until the early morning hours shaking with fear and trembling under your bed covers ;-) lol.

I've gotten myself a new penpal now, which is fun.....LINDY! How nice of you to write! Haha, 'twas funny when my mom brought in your letter...She got messed up with your title on there..."Sarah, who is The Random Writer!?" She called upstairs as my friend Kitana and I were sitting around on my bed drawing pictures and writing in secret codes to each other. "Uhhh...what?" "Oh, wait a minute, never mind. It says it's to the Random Writer!" That would be my blog title...interesting. I wonder who it's from...? "Who's it from, mom??" "It says...LL." Hmm, how peculiar. Then I see the address line...Gooding Idaho! That would be Lindy or Lucy! I grab up the envelope and run back up the stairs as I'm opening it.

Ah yes, fun, fun day. I must get off my computer now, for it's nearly time for family devotions. But that's my Random Writing for the week! Seems that's as often as I can get on here anymore.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Simple Pleasures

I haven't posted in more than a week now....I haven't felt very creative lately. I guess it's all this rain we've been having. I don't know why, but when the weather is like that I just don't feel like writing. Nothing comes, ya know? And yet some how, even in the rainy weather, if you look for them, you will still find the simple little pleasures that God throws in for you. Like opening your bedroom window at night when it's pouring out and just looking out at the lights and feeling the cool breeze on your face and the smell of rain. Ahhh, it's wonderful.

Really, half the time you hardly think about the simple pleasures of life. They just happen and pass and you're just thinking "oh, well that was nice. Now what?". Take time, slow down, think about the fun little details that help make up your day. I think that's mostly why I've enjoyed this past summer so much......All the little things that have happened to brighten up each day.

Meeting up with friends at the water park and getting kicked out of the hot tub together because none of us are 15 or older....trying to see how many of us can fit on one inner tube in the wave pool... learning to skateboard on the most uneven pavement ever with my best friend at my side... hanging out with three of the greatest people ever on the Messick's front porch...Ah, yeah. Good times. And then there's always the late nights where I'll sit at my window for like an hour just staring at a full moon and thinking about stuff like this.

Anyone ever looked at a full moon through binoculars? It's incredible! And you know what else? The saying really can be true "The best things in life are free". Come to think of it, even the best time I ever had at the water park was on a free day... And no matter what, you can always tap into those memories for free :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Friends...and God Vs. Santa Clause

You dont always think about dont always want to think about it, but you cant really say "Best Friends Forever" and be honest at the same time. Friends dont always last forever, things happen, people move, we grow up, ect. I hadn't thought too much about it myself until a couple years ago when two of my best friends moved within a couple months of eachother. I guess God was teaching me a lesson in that incident. Friends are great, but as are all things in this world, they're temporary.

I believe I'm very blessed to have the friends that I do. We all are blessed to have friends, more than we can imagine, I'm sure. I mean really, we're sinners, we mess things up and can be completely rebellious to our Creator, and yet he still continiues to send wonderful things and people into our lives. Arent you glad that God isn't like "Santa"? "You'd better not pout, you'd better not cry, you better not shout, I'm tellin' ya why. Santa Clause is coming to town!" He doesnt show much mercy twards those kids who mess up. If you're bad, you get a lump of coal. With God, he's patient. He knows we mess up and He will forgive us for that and still send good things into our lives, even to those who totally rebel against Him.

I know that I'm far from perfect, but God has most definitely been good to me. I have a great family and tons of wonderful friends-both ones that I've known for years and those of you whom I just met this summer. What have I ever done to deserve all this? I havent the slightest idea. But isnt it great to know that the God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them cares about you and has carefully planned out every little detail of your life? I think so!