Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to the books!

It's amazing the kind of impact books can have on people. They can convince you of an opinion, teach you, entertain...... I love reading a really good book. When I find a good one, I get REALLY into it. Almost like it's an alternate world. The characters become so real that it's like I know them. They're my friends. And I know it sounds kind of silly to you, and yet, who knows? Maybe you've been the same way...After all, I'm not eavesdropping on your brainwaves as you read or anything! (but then, who knows? If I was I probably wouldn't make you aware of this fact). I always tend to feel really sad though, right after I finish reading a really great book. It's like I've lost all contact suddenly with a good friend, and I absolutely must find something new to read immediately. Yeah, you could say I'm a total addict :-) haha.

But really, I like reading a lot, especially when I've got a really terrific author. Plus, it has that added benefit of relieving my mind of all problems of my own life temporarily. It's also a nice way to pass the time when I'm in the car or waiting for my turn at the computer and whatnot.

The fantasy of Narnia, the action & suspense of the Alex Rider series, the fun romantic comedy of "How NOT To Be Popular"...Just a few of my favorites. Now I'm starting on something new which so far looks to be of the comedy/mystery sort of thing. "King Dork"'s one of these books where I just see the title and am like "Ok, I've GOT to see what this one is." Funny titles like that just catch me, I guess. Seriously, that is totally my favorite book name I've heard so far. But then, being that I can be somewhat of a dork, how is that not a surprise?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting The Mail Is Like Gambling, When You Think About It.

Seriously, the title speaks in all truth. It really is like gambling. You go outside and freeze your butt off in hopes of bringing something worth while back to the house with you. When you return, 9 times out of 10 you have an armload of junk mail & bills. The weird thing though, is that no matter how many times I remind myself of this fact, no matter how many times I freeze going outside only to come back with nothing of interest, I keep going. I don't know why... it's like this horrible curious impulse inside of me that drives me on, pushes me outside, telling me that maybe this time there will be something worth going out there for.

Why is there this strange sense of hope that still lingers in the back of my head...that pushes my feet out the door every day despite the protests of the rest of my body? haha, I duno...maybe I'm just weird. Some times I really don't understand these sudden impulses that drive us to do things.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not gonna fight you anymore
Not gonna try and lock the door...

The lyrics to the song I'm listening to are playing. Trust you. By Brandon Heath.
I don't want to lock the door on a friendship, but it seems like it's happening anyway.
Conversation dies...and now it's like I'm just all out being avoided for the most part. Sure, we talk sometimes, but rarely and not for very long.
What's happening here? I don't want this to happen...not again. But it's slipping away and I can't seem to do a thing about it.
We used to be such good friends...

It's like a plant. Green and healthy and wonderful, but then beginning to wither. And now, next thing to dead and dried up.

Some days are complicated, like a really weird title of a song
Some days can steal my happiness, but I gotta just move on
We're up, we're down, we get turned around
Keep your head above the water, try not to drown
'Cause this life's a life worth living
And I think we'll make it through some how. decided to add in the words to a song I'm writing. lol. Don't call it the "Random Writings" for nothing...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jingle Bells, Shotgun Shells, Rabbits All The Way

Today has pretty much been the complete opposite of last week. Last week was crazy... My birthday Monday, which was pretty good. My parents got me some cool stuff, like a capo for my guitar and a 2 gig CF card for my pocket PC. After presents and a delicious dinner involving egg foo young, egg rolls, popcorn shrimp, and rice, we went to Dairy Queen for Blizzards (hmm...that reminds me...I still have leftovers of that. gosh. I should eat that tonight...). So not an overly eventful birthday, but the latter part of the week makes up for it.

Tuesday was insane... I left the house at two to go to basket ball/Ultimate Frisbee and didn't come home until 7:15 because directly after Teen Teams my youth group was working at the soup kitchen. It was awesome... we only get to do it twice a year, but I love every chance I get at it. Hanging with friends, making the food, and serving it is quite fun 'cause I always like to smile and say hi to all of the people in the dinner line. We had prime rib that night with mashed potatoes and gravy. It was DELICIOUS! Haha, when I got home my parents asked what I had there and when I told them they were like "What!?? You've gotta be kidding!" But no, as sure as I sit here and type this out to you all, that is what we had. No lie :)

Wednesday was another fairly busy day...School in the morning (like all the rest of the week, really), then in the afternoon from 3:30 to 5 I was volunteering at the library. That's going okay...for the first time ever I had a REAL conversation with one of my fellow volunteers. So, I guess that is progress. Ever since Dwight left and the newbs started, I've pretty much kept to myself and been fairly silent...sad, I know. I mean, you're probably thinking "what? Sarah Iddings not talking?" but yes, it's true.

Thursday wasn't real busy...sort of. Actually it was busy in it's own way, just not really outside of the house. Most of that day we were preparing for my big birthday bash that would happen the next night. Clearing out our basement, vacuuming, yeah. That sort of thing. And playing songs on my guitar with the capo I'd gotten earlier in the week! yay.

Then there's Friday...absolutely amazing. I went to choir in the morning with my friend David...this gal named Abigail recently started a small choir of us homeschoolers. There's only like 12 of us, but oh well. It's fun. We're learning songs from The Sound Of Music and are hopefully gonna perform them in February in the PCHE talent show. That would be cool. I'm discovering more and more that I enjoy performing like that. It's pretty cool.

The afternoon I was fairly busy... well, internet part of the time (hehe, can't go a day without chatting you camp hopies :) ) and then for two hours strait I was baking and frosting birthday cake. Whew! The cake was strawberry with chocolate frosting and pretty darn tasty, even if I do say so myself :) lol. Then there's that evening. now THAT was AWESOME! Totally the best birthday of my entire existence here so far. I had 11 friends over here around 6 and we played Apples to Apples and Dance Dance Revolution and had pizza....then at 7:15 Mrs.Gunkel & Mrs.Miller, two of the moms of some of the people I'd invited, drove us up to the Miller's house in their vans. When we got there, everyone headed into the garage where my friend's band, The Iron Chickens of America, put on an hour long rock concert for us all. It was great! They even wrote a special song for my birthday and had a dance contest, complete with prizes! First prize was a mountain dew, second was a mountain bar, and then they made up a special honorable mention award which they gave to me because they said I had "Sweet moves". haha actually I really can't dance. Or at least I don't think I can. But they awarded me any how, and I got the coolest award out of anyone =) They gave me their band poster which they've had for the past three years and taken to all their performances. Now it's hanging in my room on the wall :) A rather special piece of my room decor, really.

So, there was most of my past summary. Actually I could just go on and on about my birthday party. lol.

Have a good day...or night...or afternoon....or morning...or whatever....haha

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Oh How Can It Be, Oh Say Can You See?

Well, here I am... The last day of being a 15 year old. Whoa.
So how am I spending my day? Well... I ended up staying home from church today because mom told me I should stay here and rest because I'm sick again. Yes, once more. For the third time in four weeks....ack! I almost forget what it's like to be well anymore. *sigh*

But, anyway...

I had an uberly amazing new year's eve/new years day (they happened to fall right between sicknesses, so I was actually well those two days!). In all honesty, it's been the most memorable one I've ever had-- absolutely the best =D I mean, what better way is there to start the new year than running around like a maniac out in the cold with your friends screaming happy new year at every car that drives by? Ahh, it was great. Then on the afternoon of new year's day, I got to hang out with Jon, Jake, and Tim and play Guitar Hero & their new Nintendo Wii!

So now, I wonder what the rest of 2009 will bring? Well, so far it's been quite great (asside from being sick). From the sounds of things, this week should be quite a lot of fun as well :-)

Anyway...not much else to say, so I shall be off!