Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I can't think of titles tonight! I'm just going to post.

Ah, here goes a late-night blog post...lol. Hey, tomorrow I'm off school, so what the heck? It won't matter if I'm tired and sleep in a bit... well, not like I don't do that on regular school days too *sheepish grin*
< |Random| >
Wow. Okay then. I just got suddenly interrupted from my typings by dad... who oddly enough came in to tell me to start leaving lights ON. Apparently florecent lightbulbs last longer and it's better for them to be left on for longer periods than frequently turned on and off. Ha, usually I'm always told to turn lights off...thats a first. But we apparently switched bulbs.

< / Random >

So here I am, 10:36 at night listening to music that completely doesn't fit the mood I'm in. But I just downloaded this awesome piano version of Linkin Park's "Pushing Me Away" earlier and it sounds really pretty, so I couldn't help but play it over again :-)

It's somewhat funny that I'm so happy... for the most part it was a somewhat frustrating day. My English lesson was extremely annoying and I got almost all the questions wrong, I tried to record an MP3 of a song I wrote but kept messing up on the guitar as I was attempting to record, and had a weird stomach ache earlier this evening. Not to mention other random problems I've been having lately. But friends are amazing. And after being annoyed at so much all week, I suddenly came back again to the realization that life is amazing too.

(oh and my song now fits my mood now...ha it just switched to Dental Care by Owl City *big grin* *nods head* *proceeds to lip synch to song very dramatically*)

I love divine providence. I find it no coincidence that just when I think I'm gonna go nuts, the one friend who I'd been wishing like crazy would have time to talk to me suddenly pops on chat. For an hour and a half. And lets me vent out my problems and produces just the advice I should hear. Then as an added bonus my other favorite person to IM pops online as well! I'm so thankful for the people God's put in my life (and at just the right times, none the less).

Really...there is a lot to be thankful for. But somehow it's so crazy easy to just home in on the stuff we think is bad and just go on a complaining spree. Even in this time of year with Thanksgiving Day in just a lil bit of no time. Sure, we all sit around the table gorging ourselves on turkey and saying how greatful we are for stuff. Then we go home and write a big list of all the stuff that we want but don't have and hope our relatives or friends will give it to us for Christmas. It seems a bit hipocritical to me, and with that thought in mind, I felt a little weird writing a wishlist to give mom. But she kept asking me what I want for Christmas... *shrugs* so despite my opinion of it seeming so hypocritical, I did. Hey, this way she has ideas insteada trying to go buy stuff thinking "Oh boy...would Sarah like this? Hmmm." cause that's always kinda hard.

So, you guys got any plans for Thanksgiving? How about we all get together and share a big Camp Hopie dinner? ;-) Ha that would be amazing. But I'm gonna be outa town. We're driving to Walla Walla right after lunch tomorrow to spend the night with my gparents. Then Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV the next morning and the rest of the day will be spent at my aunt & uncle's place! Yay. Especially yay on the uncle part. I always look forward to spending time over there cause he is HILARIOUS! Hey, as long as I can survive my cousin's 1 year old and almost-3-year old daughters, should be all good. Last time I saw Jenna she was a very grumpy, moody kid...and JoAnna wasn't born yet, so I know nothing of her. Guess I'll just hope for the best on that part, and if I get the worst, I'll just slip away to some upstairs room and read LOTR or play madlibs with my brother. Thats always a good solution :-)

Well, it's 11:17, so I suppose I should some how rip myself away from the joys of blog posting and my wonderful mix of songs playing on Media Player. *Yawns* (hmm...seeing people yawn in person always makes me yawn. I wonder if seeing me yawn via blog will make you yawn?)

Hope you all have an awesome Thanksgiving!!!

PS: you should tell me if my above theory worked on you...hehe ;-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Astronomy in Action

So my friend Zach turned me on to an interesting theory; people are like planets. We all tend to have our own varying amount of gravity which causes people to want to be around us, and we have certain people who are like satelites- who always tend to be by us or follow us around. It's a neat analogy... and quite true.

I'd kinda been contemplating that a lot this week (lol I blame Zach). I hadn't really thought too much of it until now, but I've realized that for some bizzare reason life has cast me into the role of the popular girl. I have yet to understand just why. It's not like I ever even tried...it just sort of...well...happened. *shrugs*

Really, thinking back, I've kinda been all over the board as far as social status goes. Most of the time I was just the average one. Then I was the loner. Then average. Then... there's now. To tell the truth, there is no "absolute perfect" in there. No matter where you are, it seems they each have their own dissadvantages of some sort that make you wish you were something else. Being the loner...eh flat out depressing. Or at least for me it was. Average? It's pretty good for the most part, until you end up somewhere that your friends don't happen to be, and then you're the loner again 'till you can get back to your crowd. Popular? In most ways its pretty fun. You have friends almost anywhere you go and if you don't, you usually can make some. And now you're probably just like "Okay how the heck is there a downside to THAT, Sarah??" Well... don't get me wrong, I love having a big group of people to hang with, but then sometimes it could be nice if there was an on/off switch or a pause button.

Like at youth group. I'm friends with practically everybody who's there, but then there's these 5 peole who are my group. We hang out all the time and there's rarely a time when at least a couple of them aren't always by my side. Hey, it's cool, we're really good friends... Next thing to siblings, really. But then there are all these other people who I'm also friends with but don't get a chance to hang out with most of the time cause I get so destracted with my groupies. And then I feel kinda bad... I don't like to leave people out, yet it seems to happen. *sigh*

I guess everything has it's ups and downs.

And time can be so annoying when there isn't enough of it to go around. Hm, speaking of time, I just spent like 20 minutes writing this when I have a report to write, a history lesson to finish, and a home ec test to work on...oh, and laundry to fold....and a science report... uh oh.

Ha, I guess I'd better get to work!
Later, bloglings :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

MILK!...milc...mlic....yeah pretty much =P

So I know some of you are into this funny little thingy (of which I recently found via facebook and got some good laughs from...thanks =] ) called MLIA. Or, My Life Is Average. If you haven't seen it you should look it up. I think if I had an acronym like that for me it would be MLIC...which come to think if it could be pronounced milk, though it would screw the acronym up when you actually laid out the words =P heh oh well. Ok that was a random thought. So MLIC... My Life is Crazy. Or My Life Is Complicated. I'm not sure which, and really, both could apply.

I think at the moment I'm in the middle of a big balancing act here, trying to keep the Infamous Trio all even (Infamous Trio= me & my friends David & Ian). Both of those guys totally like me, but while I think they're really cool friends and I love hanging out with them, I don't like either of them back how they like me. The problem's that one always seems to be jealous of the other =P Oi. I just hope nothing bad happens cause of all this... at youth group recently Ian looked like he wanted to bash David over the head cause David gave me the last of his mountain dew *rolls eyes*. Of course he didn't do it. Which is good... I dunno if he really would have or not, but I could feature it happening just because I know how he likes to brag up/show off how tough he can be. lol.

Well, on the good side of all this, I never have to carry my guitar equipment, thanks to them! lol! It's crazy. It's not like I ever even asked... I used to lug out my guitar, amp, and book bag all on my own. Now I don't even have to put the guitar in the bag, cause they always seem to beat me to it while I'm talking to somebody XD Rediculous. But I appreciate the help, none the less :-) Ha, mom told me I need to start bringing more stuff with me to YG.

Oh, and in other news, my brother and I have contracted some sort of weird cold or flu type of thing. Not sure what it is...but whatever. Pray we'll be able to get over it soon though! Our YG is having a Lock-In on Friday the 13th (I find that date extremely hilarious. CHAINSAW MASSECURE!! RUNAWAY!! AH! hehehe)...it would pretty much drive us insane if mom made us stay home for being sick =P


So, how are you all doing lately? And have you ever known somebody for a year and then learned their last name isn't what you thought it was? It's the weirdest feeling... o.0