Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Things Never Change (unlike identities)

First off, the below post still holds true to today.

On a lighter, 2nd note:
Yesterday Zach and I pulled absolutely the BEST prank I've ever had the pleasure of being involved in. We traded identities on Facebook for a day. It was SO fun. lol and a wee bit challenging too, I'll admit. But it was most amusing IMing mutual friends of ours trying to impersonate each other. It takes a lot of thought to impersonate a friend of the opposite gender. I mean seriously, not only do you have to try and determine what they'd talk about or how they'd respond to stuff, but also how you type back the responses (like do they always use proper punctuation on chat? do they not capitalize their I's? How many M's do they put for a "hmm"? Do they use a lot of chat smilies?). It's also interesting seeing how people respond to guys vs. girls on chat. Like our friend Caleb... he usually wouldn't tease Zach about baking him a pie or start a conversation with me off with "Behind you!! a ZOMBIE!!!" ... *laughs* but today he did. Unknowingly.

Final verdict: I am apparently better at being Zach than he is at being me. (but near the end of our prank he got better at talking like me). I even managed to fool his mom into thinking I was him! LOL!

So yes...there you have it, another day in the life!

Friday, September 17, 2010

What happened to the easy days?

Well, I had originally wrote this big post about my oh so complicated life of lately and how I'm kinda stressy cause the guy whom I've unintentionally gained a relationship with I'm going to have to break up with and am afraid our friendship may be quite damaged. But I just erased the whole thing.

Not because it's no longer an issue.
It's because I have an amazing best friend who helps pick me up when I'm down, gives me great advice (and calls me by my fave nickname while doing so), quotes helpful Bible verses (namely Joshua 13:1 & Romans 8:28), and reminds me to keep looking to God no matter what.

While my problems are quite far from over, I have to admit I'm feeling better now than I have been and am working on keeping my sights where they should be instead of on me. All things work together for good; I just have to keep pressing on and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, because I know good and well that one of these days it'll be shown to me.

I'm just so thankful God has let people come into my life that show me these things.

(and thank you so much Zach for putting up with me :-) Even though you're never on blogger to see this. lol and if you are it's probably cause I told you to go look. *wink*)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow...for serious?


Summer went by way too fast. I'm not sure if that's good or bad....

Pros and cons...

*No more water park - CON

*Moderate temperatures for taking walks outside - PRO

*Crunchy leaves to walk all over- PRO

*It's closer to when Zach has go to back to Texas - CON. CON. CON!!!

*School - CON

*Teen Bible study starts again- PRRRROOOO!!!

*Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all the sooner - PRO

*The Fair is coming, which = extra spending money - PRO

*And it gets me all the closer to graduating......That I am unsure of the pro/con status of. I guess I'll find that out when I get there. But it thus far looks like I will be the only girl in my graduating class, which I think will be awesome because I can choose a completely different color of robe than everybody and get away with it =D haha!

So how are you?